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Old 12-17-2018, 04:35 AM   #23
getDare Ladder
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 123

apparently I never answered this one...oops

What is the longest that you’ve grown your hair? - it came down to my low back
What is the shortest that you’ve cut your hair? - into a bob around the level of my ears
How long is your hair now? - sits around my shoulders
Was there a time when someone else made the decision or forced you to cut your hair? - I don't think ever
Describe a time that you were upset over a haircut? - I've never really cared about getting my hair cut, it's hair, it will grow back
Have you ever dyed your hair? - nope I often grow it to donate so it can't have any dyes
Have you ever had bangs? - ooo when I was little and once when I was like 12 (it was a bad choice)
Have you ever had your head shaved partially or fully? - nope
Have you ever had your hair cut/shaved with clippers? - sometimes they use them to cut the bottom of my hair when its really long...but other then that no
Have you ever had your hair cut/shaved with a shaving razor? - nope
Have you ever cut/shaved your own hair? - I've cut parts of my own hair but never full cut my hair
What is the worst haircut that you’ve ever gotten? - probably the bangs stage when I was 12
Have you ever donated your hair? - yes, 3 or 4 times now
What is the longest amount of hair that you’ve ever had cut at once? - 14 inches
Have you ever had your haircut by a non-professional? - nope
Have you ever cut/shaved someone else's hair, guy or girl? - nope
Have you ever witnessed someone having a drastic haircut or headshave, and how did that make you feel? - nope, I haven't
Is the excitement of potentially having your haircut a turn on? - no I hate getting my hair cut, paying money to be stuck in a chair and have to talk to someone
Does the degrading element of a forced short haircut/headshave turn you on? - nope

What is the worst thing that you’ve done to your hair? - I'm pretty kind to my hair, nothing really
What is the worst thing that someone else has done to your hair? - a kid put gum in it once, but it wasn't malicious it just sucked to get it out
What is the worst thing that you’ve done to someone else’s hair? - I worked with a kid who is rather aggressive and he got his fingers under my braid while he was escalated...that was pretty painful
What is the worst thing that you’ve witnessed done to someone else’s hair? - I've seen a lot of hair pulled out by kids...
What is the grossest thing that’s been put in your hair? - the gum I talked about
What is the grossest thing that you’ve witnessed being put in someone else’s hair? - probably also gum
Have you ever had or witnessed gum being put in hair? - see above
Likes: some pain, hidden public, clothespins, ...I'm still figuring out the rest

Limits: pictures, family, messy, scat
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