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Old 12-03-2018, 10:26 PM   #59
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 42


If you have public nudity allowed or it takes less than 5 minutes to get from your place to the place of any of the other group members, then you can do this dare, if you do not then it is an easy win. The dare is to wake up at your place in the morning, get naked for a shower, after the shower do not dry yourself and do not get dressed, put a vibrator inside your pussy on a speed of your choosing but it can not be off, once done so, walk to the house of one of the group members, preferably a male, once at the place, knock on the door and casually wait in the nude right at the front door until the door is opened, if public nudity is not available then you can use an other door that might be more hidden. Once the door is opened, go inside and prepare breakfast for the person you are with, naturally while you are naked. Once the food is prepared, eat with the person. If public nudity is not allowed, this is where your dare is done, if public nudity is allowed, then while staying naked with the vibrator inside you still, go to the next person's house together with the person you first went with, you will once again knock on the front door and wait for them to open the door, once they opened the door you can go inside and wait for them to get ready, once they are ready the 3 of you will go to the next persons house and do the same and then go to the last persons house and do the same again. At this house you and everyone else will be doing the dares that are set for today, your dare will be done once the vibrator can be removed which depends on the speed that you chose for it.
If you chose a speed less than 25% of its max, then you will need to keep the vibrator in until you go home in the evening, if you chose between 25% and 50% of max speed, then you will keep the vibrator in 6 hours, 50% to 75% you will keep it in 4 hours, 75% to 99%, you will keep it in 2 hours and max speed you will keep it in for 30 minutes, each of those is starting the time from when you arrive at the house where you will do dares but the speed is chosen in your own house at the beginning of the dare. You fail the dare if you orgasm more than 5 times, if the vibrator falls out, if you do not do the dare or if you use your hands or hair to cover up your boobs, pussy or ass when you are outside.
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