Thread: piss cubes
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Old 10-24-2018, 10:12 AM   #10
LuidiaSarsi's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 66

If I had a Master irl that would definitely be the next step! So much piss!

I did this last night, with variable success. I froze four cum cubes and four piss cubes, and SIX scat cubes (that was only half of it too, was one of the longest logs I've ever seen!) and waited a few hours for them to be nice and hard.

I started out with the cum cubes. I took two of them (any more proved hard to fit, my mouth is tiny!) and sealed my whore mouth with three long strips of gorilla tape (like duct tape only stronger). Then I set a timer...

The cum melted in three minutes exactly, and I swallowed it all. I was surprised as I find cum eating really hard, but this allowed me to gulp it all down no problem! Even the thick, juicy lumps in the middle ^_^

Next I went for two piss cubes, I resealed my mouth and let them trickle down my throat. I did this for three and a half minutes and drank most of my piss, but eventually I had to stop as the taste was overpowering. More training needed!

I lasted no time with the scat cubes. I've never been able to hold down my crap and freezing it made no difference. But with careful training I hope I can get there!

Thank you for taking the time to read my report!

Email [email protected] for pics

Poopy smooches!
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