Thread: Fiction: ► Big Brother
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Old 10-25-2010, 06:18 AM   #6
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 6,760

Part Three

The door swung inwards, opening to reveal Katie with her mobile staring right at him. After a quick flash and a 'save', Katie let Tom in, now bursting with laughter at his makeshift clothes.

"I'll give you credit for originality," she cried, grabbing the top of the bag and proceeding to split it right down the middle. "Look at you; filthy boy! First my knickers, now a compost bag! And don't think I'm gunna be cleaning up this mess," she demanded, making note of the dirt which now covered the hallway's carpet.

"In fact," she continued, "you can clean it up now."

And with force upon the cupboard's handle, she leant inside and wheeled out the vacuum cleaner. Taking one further photo with her phone, she handed him the nozzle and set him to work on his hands and knees. If she'd had a throne at this point, she would've been comfortably lounging in it with a crown and a bag of crisps. But, unfortunately, she had to make do with a biscuit and a banister on the stairs which she leaned on as she watched her brother do her dirty work.

Being the eldest sibling was great sometimes. Though, that didn't really hold up seeing as they were twins and it'd just happened to be Katie who was born first. Nonetheless, she did use it to her advantage and teased Tom whenever possible. Ladies first, indeed.

A good ten minutes passed until Katie allowed Tom to finish, deeming the carpet clean enough and the task completed to her satisfaction. As Tom closed the cupboard door and binned the compost bag, he turned his attention to his sister, his eyes almost welling up and his dignity completely absent. He said nothing.

"Learnt your lesson?"

"I'm so sorry," he replied, his head bowed in self-shame.

"That's not what I asked," she said.

"Yes, I've learnt my lesson."

And with a firm "good", Katie allowed Tom to re-dress and head back up to his room.

However, even after all was said and done, Katie knew Tom far too well. And she understood the male being. What Tom had done, in her eyes, turned him on. The taboo nature gave him a kick. So Katie decided, as she watched her brother slump back up to his bedroom, that she'd have to keep a very close eye on him this coming week. And her plan of action would be put into place immediately.

She followed in Tom's footsteps and headed back to her domain, deviously scheming and plotting in her mind. Tom wasn't out of the woods yet.
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