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Old 09-24-2018, 07:44 PM   #11
Starchy Sadist
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Full Disclosure: I pretty much skimmed this thread.


Monkey and I live together. He brings in the sole income (for now). I go to school. He does the dishes.

We tried having me do the dishes. I'm sorry but that shit just ain't happening. I can do the laundry, clean the bathroom, and if the house EVER gets cleaned usually it's me who does it.


I. Will. Not. Do. Dishes.

That was literally a condition to me moving in. I will sooner throw out my dirty dishes and buy new ones. If Monkey doesn't wanna go homeless on cost of dishes, he will wash them. Except plates, because we have paper ones (what a time to be alive T_T).

I just wanted to say this because I have a deep hatred for dirty dishes and for washing them. Especially because I like to cook.

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"iSpuds used to be an onion before she realized that she wanted a simpler, layer free life. Gordon Ramsey himself agreed to perform the surgery, but when Nigella Lawson walked in during the middle of the procedure with a bottle of scotch, things went awry. Waking up as an iOS kernel trapped in a potato's body, iSpuds successfully sued the Food Channel for 13 quintillion Zimbabwe Shillings, and now lives in an exclusive, nano-sliver coated vegetable crisper." -Runesmith

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