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Old 09-24-2018, 01:05 PM   #20
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Posts: 9
Question Thread revival

The OP clearly went to a lot of thought and trouble (and hopefully had a lot of fun) putting this entire series together. It's a shame they don't seem to have been around the site since late May.

However, with the dice making the calls, the posts still stand on their own.

I was thinking of taking on a challenge, but one of the things in the posts is that it is an offence to read ahead or peek into spoilers that don't apply. Well, I've been through the posts a few times rolling dice and roleplaying through using the experience to fuel my imagination during play.

Therefore, I was looking for ideas from anyone still watching this thread (if not the OP) about what would be a good punishment or modification to use.

There is a punishment built in at the start of a session, but if you look at it, I think it's more for people who casually peeked than who have gone through all the posts repeatedly.

Any ideas?

And though they may not be around to hear it - three cheers for the OP.
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