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Old 09-15-2018, 12:09 PM   #900
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Somewhere in the USA
Posts: 121

1. When did you last masturbate?
Last night

2. What did you use?
Just my hand that time

3. What did you think about?
Having sex in a fursuit

4. What was the last thing you inserted anally?
A marker with the cap on

5. Did you enjoy it?
No... I don't like anal in general, hadn't tried anything in years and was only doing it because I'd forgotten just how much I hated it :/

6. How long was it there for?
About 10 minutes or so

7. Was it clean when it came out?
Yeah, but I threw it out anyway

8. Boys: Is one testicle lower than the other?
The left one is slightly lower, like you wouldn't even notice if you weren't looking for it

9. Has anyone ever found out a sexual fetish of yours?
Once I accidentally left a bottle of hot sauce in the shower...

10. What happened?
My mom woke me up and asked if I knew why it was there. I admitted it was mine and took it. I claimed I was using it as a shampoo but she didn't buy that and kept asking what it was for. I just ignored her until she went away and never brought it up again. I honestly don't know if she figured it out or just didn't care and forgot about it.

11. Have you ever been really ashamed of something sexual you did?

12. What was it?
I caught a bee in a bottle, and then later used tweezers to pick it up and make it sting my dick while I was masturbating... >_>

13. Do ever wear a butt plug?

14. If so, where do you wear it?

15. Have you ever had anal sex? Describe.
No. I have no issues with anyone who enjoys it, but I don't like things in my butt and the idea of sticking my dick in someone else's anus doesn't appeal to me at all.

16. Have you ever had a real life slave/Master relationship?

17. What is the most embarrassing dare you have done?
Last year, I did a dare where I had to go out to a store with my zipper down, and a rope tied up so it would tug on my balls every time I took a step.

18. What is the most dangerous sexual thing you have done?
Once in my more experimental teenage years I masturbated with bleach as lube. Fortunately I didn't suffer more than some minor bleeding, but there's no way in hell I'd ever even think about doing something like that nowadays.

19. Does pain or humiliation turn you on?
Oh yes. As long as the pain is in the right places and isn't overly severe.

20. What type of porn do you like?
Primarily furry porn and sadomasochistic genital torture (both men and women). Also watching animals mating is a turn on, although I don't go that route as often.

21. How frequently do you masturbate?
Overall on average about every 2-3 days. I have periods where I'm really horny and do it nearly every day and others where it's maybe once a week.

22. Do you punish yourself? If so, how?
Dunno how much of a punishment it is given that I generally enjoy it, but I do CBT to myself occasionally. I've got ropes for tying my cock up, clothespins and other clamping objects I put on it... my two favorite ways are by lubing it with Tiger Balm and/or Icy Hot, and by temporarily plugging it shut with a pill-shaped capsule and super glue before making myself cum.

23. Does someone else punish you? If so, how?
No, but I wouldn't mind finding someone who would.

24. Have you ever had your genitals punished? How did it feel?
The clothespins are my least favorite of the ones I'll do regularly, it just gets too painful after a couple minutes. I've come to actually like the feeling of substances like Tiger Balm on my penis, just as long as I'm careful not to get them on my balls. The feeling of my urethra filling with cum when it's plugged shut is actually quite unique and pleasurable, and sends my brain into a panicked "omg you have to remove that plug and let it out RIGHT NOW" feeling that I kind of enjoy as well. (Although I do have concerns about it straining and possibly tearing the walls of the urethra, so I always give it time to heal afterwards and don't do it more than a few times a year.)

25. Do you get turned on my getdare?
Yeah, a little
41/M/Straight...ish (it's very complicated)

Likes: furry, plushie, sadomasochism, chemical play (icy hot, tiger balm, hot pepper), genital torture, cam pics/video (no face), forced orgasm
Dislikes: anal, feet, ruined orgasm
Limits: scat, puke, blood/gore, piss/cum drinking, permanent, public, family, showing my face
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