Thread: Scenarios 5.O
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Old 08-15-2018, 08:40 AM   #30
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1. You're partner surprises you on your birthday by blindfolding you and taking you to a random place. He/She takes you to a city where no one knows you and takes you inside a building. He/She takes you to a kink shop where a you're working at the glory hole. Your partner asks you you if you want to do oral, anal or both for a hour.

2. You find yourself in restaurant and the check comes. You realize that you don't have your wallet. The manager takes you into his office and tells you that the only way to get out of this is by doing all the dishes or receiving anal and giving oral to him.

3. You're on a nude beach where everyone else is nude. Your master/mistress gives you two signs and tells you to pick one to hold. You also have to obey to anyone. The first sign says "Free Blowjobs" and the second one says "Write anything on me" and the second sign also has a marker for people to write on you with.

4. Your master/mistress locks you in a room with another person of the same gender. The room has chains on the wall and a whip. He/she tells you two that one of you has to flog the other person. Do you let the other person volunteer or do you volunteer to be flogged.

5. Your master/mistress puts a vibrating butt plug in your ass and tells you to leave it in for 24hrs. You have a very important business meeting that day. Your master/mistress says that if you take it out, you'll be punished unlike anything he/she has done to you before. Do you leave it in or take it out.

6. You get the chance to receive the power of where everyone is attracted to you for one day a week but hates you for the rest of the week. You lose the power once you are married (if you get married). Do you take the power.No
Taking a break from gd. Don’t like being accused of things I didn’t do by the powers that be.

If i owe you a dare, contact ne on kik with what the dare was. I will follow through from there.

kik feminizedboi

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