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Old 07-25-2018, 08:15 PM   #297
Joan Sky
Distinguished Member
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 540
Blog Entries: 17

1. had sex.
2. bought condoms
3. gotten pregnant.
4. failed a class.
5. kissed a boy.
6. kissed a girl.

7. used a little paper bag for lunch.
8. had a job.
9. slipped on ice.

10. missed the school bus.

Total So Far: 6

11. left the house without my wallet.

12. bullied someone on the internet.
13. sexted. Not often, and pretty much just with my partner at the time
14. had sex in public.
15. played on a sports team.
16. smoked weed. Barely tried it once, didn't like it.
17. smoked cigarettes.
I did for a short period of time a long time ago, but I'm not a smoker. I think it stinks, and I don't want to damage my health with it

18. smoked a cigar.
19. drank alcohol. I don't drink often, but enjoy a small amount rarely.
20. watched “The Breakfast Club”

Total So Far: 11

21. been overweight.
Only once for a short amount of time, and not too much
22. been underweight. Just a couple of times when I was a kid, but not too much...

23. had an eating disorder.
24. been to a wedding. Almost
25. made fun of someone for being fat.
26. been on the computer for 5 hours straight. It may seem like it sometimes, lol, but it's not often. And not usually straight through.
27. watched tv for 5 hours straight.
Not often
28. been late for work. Had a car battery problem once, but called management and they sent a supervisor to pick me up on her way to work. She was also doing a coffee and breakfast run for colleagues and superiors beforehand. I bought her coffee. I lived close to work, so that one time wasn't too much of an inconvenience. I thanked her and the management, and got a new battery after work.
29. been late for school. I'm sure I have at some point, but it was very rare and probably during college

30. kissed in the rain. I want to.

Total So Far: 17

31. showered with someone else.
32. failed my drivers test.
Once, the first time I went to the DMV to take the driver's permit test on the computer because I didn't study and missed it by one question. I retook it soonafter and got it the second time around.

33. ran a mile in less than 10 minutes. I may have or gotten close a few times, both in high school and treadmill. I don't remember.
34. been outside my home country. Puerto Rico doesn't count, it's a commonwealth of the U.S.
35. been on a road trip longer than 5 hours. I recently drove 909 miles from my hometown to live in Illinois with my best friend again in October when my Mom passed away... The trip took a day or two, a few stops for gas/food/restroom and sleep... spent a night at a hotel
36. had lice.
37. gotten fired
38. had a credit card. Who hasn't?
39. been to a professional sports game.
Cubs once, years before they finally won the World Series. Great time, great seats, great price ~ I got tickets for me and my best friend.
40. broken a bone.
Just a hairline fracture on my left arm. Cousin played a bad prank on me when I was twelve. He was a jerk, but he's better now. Only had to wear a sling for one week, but milked it for two at school. My aunt noticed and made me stop wearing it. Hey, I was in seventh grade, lol

Total So Far: 23

41. been unhappy about my weight. Who hasn't at some point, even if it's just a little bit?
42. won a trophy. Medal, not trophy... National Latin Exam Silver Medal (in high school), Maxima Cum Laude, but my Classical Latin teacher stole my medal because she wanted it, and just kept making procrastination excuses, etc.
43. cut myself. Once, almost
44. had an STD.
45. got engaged.
46. been on a diet. Who hasn't? Even if it's an "eating healthy most of the time" diet
47. tried out to be on a tv show.
48. rode in a taxi. Rare, long time ago
49. been to prom. Sadly no. Was single at the time. And even though I'm pretty enough then and now, I'm still kind of shy.
50. played a drinking game.

Total So Far: 26

51. stayed up for 24 hours or more. Rare for twenty-hours straight, but I'm sure I've done that before a long time ago.
52. been to a concert.
An acquaintance brought me to Lollapalooza in high school, my Classical Latin friend/classmate took me to some heavy metal concert I think, and my work colleague won two radio station tickets and chose me to go with her and meet the band backstage. The Silversun Pickups. Only concert I went to that I liked so far. That and a free lawn concert of Tonic playing "If You Could Only See" that my brother, his female friend who was bi (and I had a crush on), and I went to after a school Art Fair she was in I think... I asked her for a hug and she said okay, and I gave her hug for a little while and she genuinely said I give good hugs. And yes, she had blue eyes like the song, lol... Anyway, I've only been to those as of yet.

53. had a three-some.
54. had a crush on someone of the same sex.
55. been in a car accident.
56. had braces.
57. learned another language.
In school...

58. killed an animal.
59. been at a yard sale.
60. been to a Japanese steakhouse.

Total So Far: 34

61. wore make up.
62. talked to someone via webcam.
Rare. Just an ex-girlfriend a long time ago, a socially conscious business group (class) a couple of times, and family...
63. lost my virginity before I was 16.
64. had my wisdom teeth taken out.
65. kissed someone a different race than myself.
I'm half Asian. I haven't been intimate with many people, but they all happened to be Caucasian. But that's not all I'm attracted to.

66. snuck out of the house.
67. bought porn. Why buy it when you can watch it for free? No, I'm not a porn junkie, but I do watch it when I feel like it. Not often.
68. had a virus on my computer. That's what everyone has antivirus software for.
69. had oral sex.
70. dyed my hair.

Total So Far: 41

71. gone skinny dipping. Not yet. Want to with the right person someday
72. graduated from college. Some college (Approximately 50 semester credits...). Went too quickly and wasn't sure what I wanted to do, etc. Stayed as long as I could, when I should have just worked until figured it out. Still trying to figure out what vocation I should do feasibly. Have had a lot of very interesting jobs that I'm usually exceptional at, but nothing I'm passionate about yet...
73. wore someone else’s clothes.
Maybe a shirt at least a few times back.
74. voted in a presidential election.

75. rode in an ambulance.
76. rode in a helicopter.
77. caught the stove on fire.
78. got in a fight. Barely. When I was little, a tall chubby African American girl tried to beat me up in the neighborhood playground which was like a neighborhood courtyard... We were very young, and her skinny male cousin who was feminine was about to fight me too at the same time, but my little brother went against him without being asked. It didn't last long, I don't really remember much, just that we won, and they came at us for no reason, but our neighborhood wasn't like that. It was decent.
79. met someone famous.
Janeane Garafolo, The Silversun Pickkups, and saw Bill Clinton's white car driving by us on the sidewalk when my class went on an elementary school field trip to D.C. when he became president.
80. been on vacation.

Total So Far: 46

81. been on an airplane.
82. been on a boat.

83. broken something expensive.
84. had surgery. Very minor quick one while I was awake. Nothing major.
85. kissed someone before I was 14.
A boy when I was younger. It wasn't special.
86. beat a video game.
87. found something valuable on the ground.

88. made a survey.
89. stalked someone on facebook/myspace.
90. prank called someone. When I was very little and some silly little kids I was with were pushing random numbers on a landline house phone and talking to people. Nothing horrible. Just having basic conversation and hanging up. Of course we blocked our number before dialing though, so we weren't entirely stupid. And it was just that once.

Total So Far: 53

91. been to a library outside of school.
92. spent over $100 shopping in one day.
Not often, and it's usually for either important items or special occasions

93. cut my hair and hated it.
94. peed outside.
95. went fishing. First time I went fishing with family when I was thirteen, and my stepfather had a boat, I caught six fish and two flounder
96. helped with charity. Want to sometime. Donated some here and there.
97. taken a pregnancy test. Once at the gynocologist's office a long time ago.
98. been rejected by a crush.
Who hasn't at some point or another? C'est la vie.
99. been suspended from school.
When my younger brother (who was one grade under me in high school) was still in the closet a kid called him gay publicly and was joking him. My brother got upset and told me when it happened. I think it was lunch and we were all in the same general area or vicinity. So I confronted the guy verbally and told him to stop talking shit about my brother or I will kick his ass if he doesn't stop. Or something like that. My brother didn't get bothered again.

We all had to talk to the assistant principal. We all got two days suspension. And of course I didn't tell the assistant about the colorful language I used

Btw, many years later my brother is out of the closet and engaged now to his boyfriend

100. broken a mirror.

Grand Total: 59

Last edited by Joan Sky; 07-26-2018 at 08:11 AM.
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