Thread: Denied by Icey
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Old 07-17-2018, 10:49 AM   #59
getDare Succubus
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Task 5:

I only had one option, being the first one, because neither do I own a cage or a chastity cage. At least I'm familiar with zippers, or at least that what I thought.
My only regret was having the last zipper I made, I untied a few days ago (I was too lazy to dismantle it since the last time I used it)

I took a few thin ropes and made zippers, this was the most tedious part.
I made four 8-peg-zippers just in case I needed them in any circumstance but I only planned to use 2-3.

First two-zippers:
I searched the internet for "zippering" to look for ideas or 'locations' to place them on my body. Fortunately, I found some stills from BDSM videos (Divine Bitches if I remember correctly) and I saw an interesting one. (because it looked like wings)
Here it is:

I imitated the above picture but not exactly (obviously I didn't use that many pegs), I had pegs from my elbow to my nipple with extra rope to pull it off at the nipple peg. I have to say that after completing one side and starting the other was a pain in the ass, because I had to move the arm with the pegs very steadily and slowly to prevent pegs from falling. Not to mention how they pinched harder while doing this.
After what felt like forever, I had 16 pegs on me, 8 on each side. I put both hands against the wall for a couple of minutes then smoked for another couple of minute (which was very tricky). Then it was time to rip the bandage off. I held the opposite rope with my hands (right hand to pull the left side and vice versa), and I pulled as fast and hard as possible.
I've never stifled a scream that hard in my life, as soon as they left my body the fell on the floor at my feet, I kicked them and punched the wall. My nipples were so so so so red my arms had random marks everywhere.

Second two-zippers:
I place the pegs as two lines straight down starting from each nipple. I -waited for a while, I forgot to keep track of time but it seemed like a good 7-10 minutes. I grabbed the two ends at my nipples and tried to convince myslef it wasn't gonna hurt.. I pulled them all the way off.
Nope, still painful as hell... My nipples were burning and every inch below it was so painful. I threw the zippers down and they got tangled together into the worst case of earphone entanglement, a nightmare to my OCD which made me want to untangle them so bad.
That's when the two substitute zippers came in handy!
Here is the mess of rope I made:

Third two-zippers
I had not much time left from, apparently placing the pegs is time consuming, so I had to act fast. I placed the last two like follows:
**since I hate Cristiano Ronaldo, I thought I'd use his pic to demonstrate this**

4 on each side of the dick actually made it look like pants zipper.
I waited a while and looked at the time and there were only a few minutes left and the pain has already been building up so much that I wanted this to end. I grabbed the rope end which was at the top peg and I stopped, I felt was scared to pull it off because I've never done this with my dick included..
Then I just figured it won't be as bad as the others, I actually was wrong and it was just as painful specially since my dick was pulled from both side... I wanted to hit something or someone from the pain.
I rested for a couple of minutes, I could feel the pegs still on me everywhere!

So, total was 6 times only because I wasted a lot of time replacing the zippers as they fell or finding the best spot to place them. I hope this was enough and not a total fiasco.

Thank you Icey for the task!
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Last edited by Buttaholic; 07-17-2018 at 10:52 AM.
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