Thread: Denied by Icey
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Old 07-14-2018, 12:12 AM   #55
getDare Sweetheart
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I'll join in on this thread, especially since I'm already denied for at least 20 days, so going to 60 should be fun.

As for task 5, I completed it today.

I picked option 1, since I've been locked in a chastity cage for awhile already and because picking option 2 would just be so lazy.

Before I started my hour, I made 6 of the clothespin zippers, before placing them all on me in the first five minutes, on both thighs, my upper chest and nipple region, and one each on my sides. I also decided to add a few clothespins to my already blue balls, though not a zipper of them. I let them all sit for about 15 minutes, before ripping them all off. The pain was delightfully intense, and I put them all back on afterwards, and waited another 15 minutes before ripping them off. By that time, it was about 40 minutes into the session, so then I reapplied them all, after adding icy hot to the tips of each clothespin to increase my discomfort. By the end of the session, they had been ripped off only three times, but were allowed to remain on for longer to increase the pain when ripped off.

I hope I did good enough to be allowed into this wonderful thread Icy, and thank you for the task!
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