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Old 07-11-2018, 01:34 AM   #15
Distinguished Member
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 562

What type and size of bed do you have? large bed
Who, if anyone, do you usually sleep in it with? wife
What do you usually wear to bed? nothing
Do you ever wear socks to bed? no
Do you ever sleep without blankets? yes when hot
How much of your body does your blanket usually cover? 2/3
How many pillows do you sleep with? one
What time do you usually get into bed? 10pm
What time do you usually go to sleep? 12pm
What do you typically do in bed before you go to sleep? cuddling and watching series
What time do you usually wake up? 6am
What time do you usually get out of bed? 7am
What do you typically do in bed after you wake up but before you get out? cuddling
Do you set an alarm? yes
Do you always make your bed? no
What is your usual sleeping position? spoon
Do you usually fall asleep easily? yes
Do you dream a lot? yes
Do you snore? no
Do you talk in your sleep? no
Do you ever wake up at night? no
Do you ever sleepwalk? no
Do you move a lot in your sleep? no
Do you take naps outside of your normal sleeping hours? yes
Do you typically have those naps in your bed as well? no
Do you ever eat in bed? sometimes breakfeast
Do you ever drink in bed? yes
What is the strangest way or place you ever slept? rolled in a plastic tarp in the middle of a field
Do you like to do dares that have to do with your sleep? Give at least one example? no
What does your bed look like right now. Be as detailed in your description as you can. normal and clean
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