Thread: Fiction: Master Jakob
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Old 07-10-2018, 06:20 PM   #44
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 32

Here's the next chapter - again please leave comments - lol any comments

Chapter 18 - Seth gets reminded of his place

Well over an hour went by before Master came down stairs. He was fully dressed and Kyrin followed behind him also dressed except that he was barefoot. They walked over to the table and Master asked, “Have you had a chance to think about what happened?”

“Yes, Sir,”: I quickly replied. “I realized how wrong my actions were and how I had no basis for acting that way. I feel very sorry and ashamed and I want to apologize again to Kyrin and you Sir. I’m very very sorry.”

“Good Seth, I’m glad you realize that now,” replied MJ, “and it will be taken into consideration with your punishment. I think you need the understanding of your place further reinforced.”

“Thank you Sir,” I replied - being both thankful for him taking my apology into account and for also knowing that he was right that I needed an adjustment to my way of thinking.

“I think the best way to remind you of what you are is to take you back to when you first started to realize what you are. Then, I’m going to build on that and bring it to where you are today.”

As he spoke, he removed the straps then pressed the button on his phone releasing the lock on the chastity device. He pulled the device off my dick and said, “Climb off the table, Seth and sit on the mat on the floor.”

There was a three inch foam mattress on the floor next to the table about the size of a single bed. I sat on the floor while Master and Kyrin pulled up chairs and sat next to me. I got the sense that Master and Kyrin had something planned and it wasn’t going to be good.

“I want you to tell Kyrin what you told me about what happened to you with your brother’s friends. Start at the beginning and don’t leave out any details.”

Master’s order took me by surprise and gave me a sinking feeling. He’s only one of two people with whom I had ever shared any details and I was uncomfortable talking about it. I had told Master about three separate incidents that happened to me when I was younger that I though helped mold my slave tendencies. He wanted me to talk about one of these - I hesitated for a second and then realized that I’d better just start.

“I want you to look at Kyrin when you talk - this is you telling him, not me,” said MJ.

I looked up at Kyrin as he sat comfortable in the chair. He had a half smile on his face but he looked sincerely interested as I started talking, “The story that Master wants me to tell you about happened to me while I was in 8th grade. I was a bedwetter at the time and my mom would by goodnights by the case. It was a friday night and my brother, Mark was having three friends for a sleepover.”

“Holy shit,” Kyrin interrupted, “you were still wetting the bed in 8th grade!?”

“Yes, I replied, “I didn’t actually stop until almost 15.”

“Fifteen! Wow,” replied Kyrin, that’s fucked up.”

Master interjected, “Go on with the story, Seth.”

I continued, “My brother hadn’t come home from baseball practice yet so me and my other brother Matt were hanging out with Mark’s friends in the basement. We were talking and having fun when they noticed the empty goodnights box by the garbage. They thought they were for Matt but he said they weren’t. When they asked who they were for Matt remained silent and then went upstairs. I was busted, they could only be for me or Mark and they knew it wasn’t for Mark.

I felt embarrassed about it and they started asking me questions. After a while I started getting annoyed and started coming back at them.”

“What kind of questions,” asked Kyrin?

“Well,” I replied, “at first they were like genuine questions like - does it happen every night, how long has it lasted - but then they started to turn to more mocking questions - like does your mommy change you - stuff like that.”

Kyrin laughed as I continued, “So, it turned into them making fun of me and I called one of them an asshole.”

“Wait,” interrupted Master, “tell Kyrin more of the things they said.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied. “They started making baby references and talking in baby talk to me. They asked if I had poopy in my pants right now. They asked if I wanted a baba or a binky - stuff like that.

“OK, go on,” said Master as Kyrin smiled.

“Well,” I continued, “For some reason, they didn’t like the term asshole. I must have hit a nerve or something but even though they were making fun of me they got indignant about it. Then, it all happened so quickly - they grabbed me and pushed me down to the floor. While on the floor two of them put me on my back and held me there - holding my hands and feet. The other one, the one I directly called an asshole walked over to me, squatted while lowering his pants and underwear and put his bare ass on my face.”

“Tell Kyrin how that made you feel, Seth,” demanded Master.

“Well, Sir.” I said, “at the time it was happening - I just wanted to get up off the floor - but thinking about it afterwards kind of sucked. It made it hard to look them in the eyes. They did it to me 2 other times after that - taking advantage of any chance when my brother wasn’t around. It also felt gross at the time, Sir. the first two times he was only on me for a split second, but the third time he kind of stayed on me as I tried to squirm so he was on me longer. It was a weird feeling - it almost felt wet but it wasn’t and there was a smell to it but not one you’d think - just really hard to describe. I remember washing my face after each time but not being able to wash away that wet feeling.”

“Were you angry about it and wanting to get them back,” asked Kyrin?

“I sort of was at first but also too afraid to do anything about it. After reflecting on it though I realized it was more my fault for not being respectful.”

“Exactly,” exclaimed Master, seems like you may need a reminder of what it means to be respectful. Now, lay back on the floor and start jerking yourself off.”

Whatever their plan was, I was about to find out now. I went from a sitting position to laying on my back on the mat then reached down and took hold of my soft dick with my right hand. It felt good to be cageless and to feel my dick. I rolled it through my fingers and started to slowly get it hard. I massaged it as I normally would when jerking off - the only thing was that here I had two people watching me. It was an uncomfortable feeling trying to relax while being nervous about not knowing what they had in store for me.

Master watched me intently and said, “that’s it, just relax and get yourself hard.” He gave no clue what his next move was but hearing his commanding voice provided me with a small sense of security and I was able to get fully hard. I looked up now holding my erect dick in hand and saw Master motion to Kyrin who got up off his chair and moved behind me. I hear the jingling of his belt then suddenly he pulled down his pants and underwear and sat bare-assed on my face.

It startled me momentarily then he moved slightly on my face until he got into a comfortable position and let his weight settle. I saw what Master was doing - my memory immediately recalled that feeling and smell from my brothers friends. Something I thought i’d never experience again - but it all came rushing back. I felt the same dry wetness and felt it spread across my face as he positioned himself. The smell was not what you would think it would be, and hard to describe, but amazingly exactly the same as I remembered.

“Does that remind you of who you are, Seth’” asked Master. “Do you feel like someone who has any reason to show someone superior to him any disrespect? Let it sink in Seth, remember who you are.”

Masters words felt like a ton of bricks coming down on me. I knew his questions were rhetorical so I didn’t answer but soaked in the lesson they imparted.

“Now, start to jerk off again,” ordered Master, “as soon as you feel close to coming, let me know and take your hand off your dick.”

My dick had considerably softened with the shock of being sat on and it was not easy to get myself back hard. I played with it but it wasn’t working. I worked on it for what seemed to be 15 minutes and my dick became sore.

“Think about Kyrin’s ass as he sits on you,” said Master. “Think about how the lowest part of his body makes the best part of your better just by contacting it. That’s your place, Seth. That’s where you belong - on the floor. Now get yourself hard and start jerking off.”

With that he stood up and over me and pulled out his dick and started jerking it. Seeing that made it easier for me to forget the weight and smell on my face and helped me get hard. Master continued to jerk and said, “I want you to associate an orgasm with the memory of where you belong.”

I felt Kyrin move around then saw that he was also jerking off. In a few minutes they both came on me - almost simultaneously. Seeing and hearing my Master feel an orgasm brought me close to climax so I took my hand off my dick. Kyrin having cummed, stayed seated on me but moved around more making me feel more of his weight.

Master stepped away then came back holding a plastic wiffle ball bat and said, “OK, start again, Seth.”

I started stroking again and quickly got to the point before climax and again took my hand of my dick. When Master saw that he slapped my dick once with the bat. “Start again,” he said.

It only took a few stroked to get to the point again and Master struck me again just a second after I moved my hand away. This happened three more times until my dick involuntarily convulsed after removing my hand and caused a ruined orgasm. The semen dripped out of my dick on to my hand with minimal pleasure.

Kyrin got up off me after seeing me cum. He and Master moved closer to me on the floor leaned in and they both spat on my face. Finally Kyrin and Master walked to where my feet were and pulled out their dicks. I looked up and watched as Master started pissing on me. His stream started as a drip by my feet and quickly slashed up my body as he aimed it into my mouth. Kyrin started a fews seconds later. They laughed as the streams crossed each other landing near my neck, face and head. I had to close my eyes as they concentrated on soaking my face. I felt the warm liquid splash on my neck to my chest sending rivulets down my sides and sprays of urine still on my face. Having them stand above me as they peed added to the humiliation and symbolism of their place versus mine.

“This is what you are Seth,” said Master as they both finished pissing. “Don’t ever forget this and don’t ever show ANY disrespect to anyone that’s with me. Now stay there and think about this. Don’t move until I tell you.” With that they both walked upstairs.
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