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Old 07-08-2018, 07:55 AM   #14
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Florida
Posts: 63
Default Sleeping

[*]What type and size of bed do you have?
Queen[*]Who, if anyone, do you usually sleep in it with?
Nobody[*]What do you usually wear to bed?
nothing. always naked[*]Do you ever wear socks to bed?
never[*]Do you ever sleep without blankets?
yes, if it's warm[*]How much of your body does your blanket usually cover?
all except my neck and head[*]How many pillows do you sleep with?
two[*]What time do you usually get into bed?
1 AM[*]What time do you usually go to sleep?
1 AM[*]What do you typically do in bed before you go to sleep?
Nothing, I go to sleep[*]What time do you usually wake up?
7[*]What time do you usually get out of bed?
7[*]What do you typically do in bed after you wake up but before you get out?
I don't[*]Do you set an alarm?
no[*]Do you always make your bed?
yes[*]What is your usual sleeping position?
side or stomach[*]Do you usually fall asleep easily?
yes[*]Do you dream a lot?
yes[*]Do you snore?
no[*]Do you talk in your sleep?
no[*]Do you ever wake up at night?
yes[*]Do you ever sleepwalk?
no[*]Do you move a lot in your sleep?
yes[*]Do you take naps outside of your normal sleeping hours?
yes[*]Do you typically have those naps in your bed as well?
yes[*]Do you ever eat in bed?
no[*]Do you ever drink in bed?
no[*]What is the strangest way or place you ever slept?
in a dungeon[*]Do you like to do dares that have to do with your sleep? Give at least one example?
no[*]What does your bed look like right now. Be as detailed in your description as you can.
like a regular bed.
== Dislikes ==
permanent marks, extreme pain, scat, friends/family involvement, anything that can result in arrest
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