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Old 07-01-2018, 01:21 PM   #353
Glitter Princess
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Thanks for the kind words.

I'm not entirely sure how as to my final feelings about the collar yet - I've worn it since Friday, around 3 PM -- and it's 10 PM on Sunday now, and minus the 3 hours I had it off yesterday that means I'm at 48- no, 52 hours I've worn it this weekend. Wearing it for the last 29 hours without a single break... And while writing this, I'm in fact laying in bed, aroused, about to do an edge or two maybe; and I'm tugging on my collar every now and then, and cherish it a little, too, and definitively feel subby. It's a nice feeling, I'll admit - and yet, somehow it does feel heavier than yesterday, which's of course nonsense, but when I look back a few hours I barely even recall wearing it, or having much of an effect - and yet I feel what I wrote earlier is a similar. Its grasp isn't a presence I could ever really forget or ignore - not that I want to - and it does have a feeling of permanence to it...

It does get into my mind, just a little; maybe because wearing a collar as long isn't something I ever experienced before. Just which day of the weekend it is escaped my thoughts for a while, and when I looked at the clock just past 3 PM - I was confused, because somehow I still thought it was Saturday. It's blending together just a little, and I'm not entirely sure if I wore the gag today at all, for example...

For the purpose of the thread, I'll only count things I'm certain on, though;
  • Sleeping [-8 hours]
  • Rolled a three on a random die [-2 hours]
  • Wore my heels for 9 hours today, and 4ish after yesterday's reduction post; only taking them off to sleep and eventually for cooking dinner today. [-4x 6 hours]
  • I've essentially received a task to create PM dares, which I reckon y'all have seen by now - not that they're entirely trivial to send, but a little nuance helps to set them apart from the rest. I'm looking for suggestions, but make no promises whether or not I'll accept (m)any. [-3 hours]

And I think that's it. I remember wewhoare posted an edging dare a while back which I'll still want to attempt, I do actually need to get more edges done, eh.

25 days, 23 hours and 30 minutes.
3 edges.
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