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Old 06-04-2018, 10:58 AM   #1
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Ruby Escape Mistress Maze

You and your friends have voluntarily entered the maze. The gate slams shut behind you, locking you in with no chance to turn around. You will need to successfully navigate the maze before time runs out and you’re trapped forever.

As you wander the long, dark corridors, you may start to feel lost. Lucky for you, Mistress Maze, the creatively cruel maze designer watches your every move. She alone knows the correct path out. At any time, you may appeal to her to assist you in choosing the right path. But be warned, her assistance comes with a price. If you wish Mistress Maze to guide you at any junction, you will need to complete a puzzle/task to appease her. Only after she has read 3 detailed reports from each task will she tell you the correct direction to take. All reports MUST be posted in the thread and approved by Mistress Maze within 48 hours. The reports must pass Mistress Maze’s standards to count, so be descriptive include as much detail as possible.

Mistress Maze has a bit of a sadistic streak. Within the maze, there are several of Mistress’s minions waiting to punish lost and wayward travelers. If you encounter a minion, you will not be able to escape their grasp until 5 detailed reports are submitted for Mistress Maze’s approval. The minions lurk in the shadows, especially at wrong turns. Reach the end with or without Mistress Maze’s help, the choice is yours. (If less than 5 people are in the maze, or the task violates limits for anyone, a party member may redo the task and write an additional report to help their teammates).

The goal is to make it to the exit before time runs out. However, the group may become trapped in the maze if they fail to complete the required reports within 48 hours of it being assigned. If Mistress Maze assigns you a puzzle to determine your task, the 48 hours will not start until the task is specified. When you encounter a minion, your 48 hours starts immediately.

If anyone wishes to join the expedition after the original group has already entered the maze, they may follow the breadcrumbs left behind by the original group, retracing their exact movements, completing ALL tasks that the group did (and submitting their own reports for approval) until you catch up to the group. If the original group exits the maze before you are able to catch up, you will become trapped in the maze alone.

Anyone who does not make it out of the maze but wishes to join a future expedition will be required to appeal to Mistress Maze for permission to enter again. Only if you are deemed worthy may you try your luck once more.

For Those Wishing To Enter The Maze

Anyone may enter the maze provided they are willing to help their teammates navigate the maze and attempt any tasks that may come (within limits). The maze is based on a randomly generated maze and Mistress Maze will keep track of your progress using this, letting you know your available options at each step.

Each maze will have a preset starting date and time. A maximum of ten people may enter the maze at a time. To secure your spot in the maze expedition party, you MUST post in the thread saying that you wish to enter the maze AND include your likes/dislikes/limits/toys in the same post (please write them out in your post rather than linking to a blog or saying they are in your signature. Mistress Maze does not like to hunt for information). Failure to follow directions will result in forfeit of your spot in the maze expedition party.

Once the expedition party enters the maze, they will navigate as a group and may communicate in the thread with each other. At each step, Mistress Maze will inform you of which directions the group may take based on where you are in the maze. Decisions on directions can be discussed in the thread as a group. You may discuss anyway you like (vote to see which direction to take, take turns deciding, etc.), it's up to each party to find a method that works for them. To avoid confusion, when deciding on an official direction to take, please say:
“The expedition wishes to travel ____”
Where you will fill in the blank with the direction you want to go. Mistress Maze will use the first post that correctly addresses this at each junction.

If you wish to appeal to Mistress Maze for guidance on your path, you will say:
“We beg for your guidance, Mistress Maze. Please let us appease you by completing a task for your amusement.”
Mistress Maze will then give you a puzzle or task to complete. After she has read the reports and is satisfied with your effort, she will tell you the correct direction to travel.

Only through teamwork will you have a chance of escaping the sadistic clutches of Mistress Maze.

Last edited by Butterfly; 06-13-2018 at 02:20 PM.
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