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Old 06-02-2018, 07:47 PM   #8
Distinguished Member
Diapered_prince's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 703
Blog Entries: 23

  1. What type and size of bed do you have?
    I have a full size bed
  2. Who, if anyone, do you usually sleep in it with?
    I sleep alone (with a stuffed pony)
  3. What do you usually wear to bed?
    It depends on the season. In the summer I wear a short sleeve black under armor shirt or my onesie, while in the winter I also wear some soft flannel pajama pants. No matter the season I wear a diaper (usually it is a cloth, but if they are all used then I will wear a disposable.)
  4. Do you ever wear socks to bed?
    I have worn socks to bed, but I take them off to sleep.
  5. Do you ever sleep without blankets?
    in the summer months I do, but there is no way I could in the winter.
  6. How much of your body does your blanket usually cover?
    all but one foot and that foot depends on which side I am on.
  7. How many pillows do you sleep with?
    I have two pillows one thin and one pretty average.
  8. What time do you usually get into bed?
    I try to go to bed around midnight during the school year and in the summer whenever I feel like it.
  9. What time do you usually go to sleep?
    about an hour after I go to bed.
  10. What do you typically do in bed before you go to sleep?
    I will solve a couple puzzles, and listen to some music or a podcast to fall asleep.
  11. What time do you usually wake up?
    I usually wake up at 8:30
  12. What time do you usually get out of bed?
    I sleep until the last possible second so 8:35
  13. What do you typically do in bed after you wake up but before you get out?
    Go through what I will be doing that day. Check email on my phone (I know it is really bad)
  14. Do you set an alarm?
    I set a couple one (for 8:45) on the other side of my room so I have to get up to turn it off. Though that one is usually letting me know that I am about to need to leave.
  15. Do you always make your bed?
  16. What is your usual sleeping position?
    I am a side sleeper but which side varies by night with no predictable pattern.
  17. Do you usually fall asleep easily?
    it depends on my location. On the couch, yes, the foot of my bed, yes, normal in bed, no,
  18. Do you dream a lot?
    Once a week maybe.
  19. Do you snore?
    not to my knowledge. but I don't have a recorder when I am asleep and I sleep alone.
  20. Do you talk in your sleep?
    not to my knowledge, but again I sleep alone.
  21. Do you ever wake up at night?
    I will wake up about once a month for no reason.
  22. Do you ever sleepwalk?
    I have never sleepwalked.
  23. Do you move a lot in your sleep?
    I have been told that I will toss and turn in my sleep and on one occasion, I woke up with my bare foot through the drywall that is my wall. (I didn't really feel it until I stood up that day)
  24. Do you take naps outside of your normal sleeping hours?
    Yes, usually taken at the foot of my bed or one the couch.
  25. Do you typically have those naps in your bed as well?
    bed or couch.
  26. Do you ever eat in bed?
    I will eat by my bed at my desk, but I don't eat in bed unless I am about to take the sheets of to wash them.
  27. Do you ever drink in bed?
  28. What is the strangest way or place you ever slept?
    I have slept in a barn once (and if you count all of a 2 second nap as sleep I fell asleep standing up once after an all nighter though I woke up when I hit the ground)
  29. Do you like to do dares that have to do with your sleep? Give at least one example?
    No I don't, so I typically don't participate in the dares that involve sleep. Though I have done where I have had to drink a cup of water every 30 minutes before bed starting 3 hours before I went to sleep and couldn't go to the bathroom until morning. (I woke up to a soaked diaper the next day)
  30. What does your bed look like right now. Be as detailed in your description as you can.
    It has rose colored sheets and a space themed sheet as a cover. no pillow as that is with me as is my plushie. Under those sheets is a plastic mattress protector. if anyone was to look. The bed frame itself is a dark brown wood with 4 posts.
So it turns out that I am a girl and not a boy. YAY!! though that does make me a diapered princess. Sad that I can't update my username though.
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