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Old 06-01-2018, 09:44 PM   #3
Senior Member
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Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: Louisville Kentucky
Posts: 114
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[*]What type and size of bed do you have?
At home I have a full size, in my dorm just a twin, lifted up so I can store things underneath
[*]Who, if anyone, do you usually sleep in it with?
No one.
[*]What do you usually wear to bed?
A big t shirt and panties in the summer. When it's cold I have some fluffy pj pants I like, but if I try to where them when it's hot I can't sleep[*]Do you ever wear socks to bed?
Never. My feet get too hot
[*]Do you ever sleep without blankets?
No, I can't get to sleep without a blanket at all. Even if it's hot I need to wrap up
[*]How much of your body does your blanket usually cover?
Usually all of it, sometimes I leave my feet poking out like the wicked witch of the east
[*]How many pillows do you sleep with?
[*]What time do you usually get into bed?
10-ish on weekdays. I can go to about midnight on weekends
[*]What time do you usually go to sleep?
Almost as soon as I get in bed
[*]What do you typically do in bed before you go to sleep?[*]What time do you usually wake up?
Listen to a podcast
[*]What time do you usually get out of bed?
On weekdays I like to be up by about 8, even if I don't have classes yet. On weekends I sleep in TIL 10 or 11
[*]What do you typically do in bed after you wake up but before you get out?[*]Do you set an alarm?
Just lay with my eyes closed
[*]Do you always make your bed?
Never lol. When I clean I fold my blankets and put them at the bottom, but usually my bed is messed up
[*]What is your usual sleeping position?
On my tummy hugging my pillow or on my tummy with my arms wrapped around myself just below my boobs like a hug
[*]Do you usually fall asleep easily?
[*]Do you dream a lot?
[*]Do you snore?
When I'm sick
[*]Do you talk in your sleep?
YES! I also kind of, like, sing? Or hum? My ex told me so. He said it was really weird
[*]Do you ever wake up at night?
Only if I have a scary dream
[*]Do you ever sleepwalk?
When I was a kid I would sometimes do this thing where I would "get up", my eyes would be open and I could talk to you, but I seemed to still be dreaming, bc I would usually be trying to do something that didn't make sense. Like once I got up and was really upset about how I needed to walk the dog. I was trying to find the dog and put it on A leash while still in my pjs. Once I got up and was going through the silverware drawer looking for a spoon in the middle of the night. Once I went into my sisters room and turned on the light and started yelling at her for taking my gameboy (she hadn't).i never remembered doing these things when I got up though.
[*]Do you move a lot in your sleep?
Not usually
[*]Do you take naps outside of your normal sleeping hours?
[*]Do you typically have those naps in your bed as well?
At home I like to nap on the couch, but at school I have to nap in my or a friends dorm. I could never nap in a common area.
[*]Do you ever eat in bed?
I try not to. Crumbs, yo.
[*]Do you ever drink in bed?
Yes, I usually have a glass of water on my nightstand
[*]What is the strangest way or place you ever slept?
Once at my high school job I slept in the storage room behind a bunch of boxes. I was planning to quit soon and was so. Fucking. Tired. S i took the advice of a coworker and went in there to sleep. It was some of the best sleep I've had in my entire god damned life.
[*]Do you like to do dares that have to do with your sleep? Give at least one example?
No. Im scared of someone catching me in the morning.
[*]What does your bed look like right now. Be as detailed in your description as you can.
It has pink floral sheets. I have a white comforter, a fluffy blanket with little fish on it, and a weighted blanket with cats on it all twisted up into a sort of beast ion the left top corner, with my two pillows propped against the wall. I sitting in the nest leaningg against the pillows on my phone rn in a pinky shirt and white panties. There's a sketch book, pencils and a paperback novel pushed off to the right side. There is a 90% chance they will be in the floor by morning.
20 f, bisexual, 5'1", 140 lbs, c cup
Likes:pee holding and wetting, wedgies, pussy insertation and stretching, panty stuffing (putting things into panties), ice, pillow humping

Limits: too much pain, public, pics or videos, poop, involvin others or animals

You can call me Shy for short 😘

I am not looking for a dom/domme right now, but would probably be willing to play! Feel free to message me when I'm online!

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