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Old 05-28-2018, 05:41 AM   #14
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Poland
Posts: 317
Blog Entries: 8

Yes please, I always wanted to try them. French seem to like that.
The orientation of the toilet paper roll
Away from the wall. If you have it close to the wall you've got issues.
28.7 degrees Celsius / 83.66 degrees Fahrenheit
Close to perfect. 28.5 Celsius is perfect, 28.7 is merely acceptable.
The name 'Bob' and uncles being named that
I have always found that name derpy-funny. Like a sound Mr. Bean would make. I don't have any Bob uncles though.
Watching Edward Scissorhands while masturbating
Unsettling at least.
Watching deer just outside eating fruit from the orchard
As long as the fruit is a sofa I'm ok with this. Armchair would also pass I think
Wearing bunny ears in combination with a pig tail plug
The sound 'oink'
Crawling naked through a field of broken glass with a hippo chasing you
How do you know the dreams I have every knight?
The sex life of flies
Yes, pretty interesting. I'm actually writing a paper about this. Did you know that a male fly can ejaculate 2.3 bong of semen during each intercourse?
25/f pink hair

Likes and limits explained
Cup size: A

Collared 24/7
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