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Old 05-19-2018, 09:01 PM   #1
The toe sucking anal slut
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Question How well do we know each other? (Truth!)

In this Truth asking game, you won't answer your own truths, somebody else will answer them for you!

Person A asks Person B: What is your favorite kink?
Person C answers Person A about Person B: I think person B's favorite kink is anal.
Person B then posts letting us know if the given answer was correct or not.

If you have no idea about the person who got asked a Truth, just wait a bit for someone else to answer OR just make an (educated) guess.

  • The first 3 people can join by just posting that they join.
  • Anyone joining after that must post a Truth or answer a Truth posted. By doing that they automatically join.
  • If you join you agree that any Truth may be asked and answered about you (as long as it doesn't personally identify you and adheres to common sense)
  • You must ask a Truth directly to somebody else in the thread OR
  • You answer a Truth about somebody else in the thread.
  • Only one answer per Truth please and no second guesses. Please remove your answer if someone else beat you to it.
  • The person the Truth was directed to posts to tell us if the given answer was correct or not.
  • If you had enough just tell us that you are leaving the game. Please don't disappear without saying anything. It's rude and completely unnecessary.

There are no rewards or forfeits, this game is merely for fun and to find out how well we all know each other.

Worm owned by
Princess Butterfly

Likes & LimitsToys

Check out my truths and dares here

Last edited by Jaro; 05-19-2018 at 10:33 PM.
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