Thread: Fiction: Britain's Most Daring
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Old 04-28-2018, 11:52 AM   #8
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Default Thanks, Curtis!

Hope the renovations [are going]/[went]* well! Unfortunate timing, since, once you've got behind with this story there's an awful lot of catching up to do!

*delete as appropriate

and I can see why it's going to take you months to reach the end of the show's season, though I doubt you'll let reaching the end stop you from continuing the story!
Haha! Actually, this story ends at precisely the point that the final episode ends!!

Well, enjoy yourself. I'll read a bit more tomorrow and in a few days, but can't promise I'll stick with it, as (as you anticipated) the subject matter doesn't appeal to me.
If you do keep going, you might be pleasantly surprised. That's one of the things I've most enjoyed about this story being broken into episodes like it is: each episode is similar-yet-different (very different in some cases!), which has made it a lot of fun to write!

So why not stick with it ... go on, I dare you!!
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