Thread: Fiction: Britain's Most Daring
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Old 04-28-2018, 04:16 AM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 37
Default Color me green…

You had warned us that this was coming, so I can hardly claim surprise, but you happened to launch this just as I was beginning a renovation in our front bedroom, so I was away from keyboard for three and a half weeks. Back now, but it'll take me a while to get caught up. I finished the first Weekly Update installment and decided that was a good place to break for now. Thank you for this:

Originally Posted by alli55 View Post
As before, if you want a sex-fest, then don't bother reading this. Curtis, if you're reading this, in this story there really is no sex at all!
I much appreciate the warning! Some notes from the first week:
a) I see you've resolved the font issue. I like your use of color, and you've got the bold type down to perfection.
b) I have had to look up a few words; 'wor' bothers me quite a bit, for no good reason, and I admit to some surprise at discovering that 'yokel' means the same thing there that it does here! I didn't bother with the food dishes, as you explained them quite well in the text. It's amazing how different foods bother different people. The vegetables would've given me the most difficulty, whilst uncooked bacon isn't bad at all. My father used to eat (really drink) raw eggs, so I don't think I'd've failed at that… or the raw dough, but most of those dishes would've sent me packing. I'm not the least bit daring.
c) I find the most pleasant British accent to be what we call 'the BBC accent'. I read once that Britain has fifty recognizable accents. Of those, I only find half a dozen to be really intelligible. I have an uncle who's from (I think) Seaford (Lewes district, East Sussex), and I have no difficulty understanding him, but that might be from force of long habit. When I watch a movie with regional accents, such as "Gosford Park", I have to rewind and start again half an hour in, as it takes my ear that long to begin comprehending what's being said. I found that to be true even when watching the movie for the third time in a year.

You've done a wonderful job of evoking the feeling I get when listening to other people discussing these unscripted shows. I can't speak from experience as nobody in my family watches them, and we don't understand what the attraction is supposed to be, but you seem to really have this down… and I can see why it's going to take you months to reach the end of the show's season, though I doubt you'll let reaching the end stop you from continuing the story!

Well, enjoy yourself. I'll read a bit more tomorrow and in a few days, but can't promise I'll stick with it, as (as you anticipated) the subject matter doesn't appeal to me. Still, you've done a good job with it through post #13.
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