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Old 02-12-2018, 07:30 PM   #6
A Butterfly Princess <3
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Originally Posted by sciencegal View Post
I know it can be discouraging because sometimes it takes quite a while to find someone that fits with you. In addition to what Butterfly has said, I think that if you can make your profile detailed, maybe write some blog entries, or anything that can help someone get an insight into who you are as a person and as a kinky person will help.

I know when I have looked in the past, the first thing I've done when someone responded to my ad was to check out their profile. Do they post a lot? Do they include useful information about themself? Can I tell anything about who they might be? All of these are things that I look for. I'm not talking about telling intimate details about yourself like identity, or anything like that. If I go to someone's profile and the only information I see if their gender, I usually move right along. My profile is not super detailed or anything, but I do try to include a few details about myself to show that I took the time to get to know the site.

If you have hobbies, mention those, even if it's just that you like reading comics or watching TV. It creates a talking point when someone wants to get to know you as a potential play partner, a way to break the ice.

You may not want to comment of post in a lot of threads, and that's okay. Having some outlet that lets others get a feel for who you may be is very useful. It separates you from the one-liners, and the people looking for a quick one-off session. It shows that you have substance and are worth the effort.
This is exactly what I meant by get active and I wrote about it in my blog that I linked above. I think filling out your profile, uploading a photo and avatar, introducing yourself in a blog, or even just commenting on other people's blogs is a great way to get noticed. If you put some information in your signature and post, even in some lounge games, it gets people to start paying attention.
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