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Old 02-11-2018, 01:27 PM   #3
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What is a punishment?
To me a punishment is a task that you won't enjoy that is ideally meant to correct bad behaviour. They can be easy to extreme depending on what the person who is being punished has done wrong, take for example you failed to get up at a set time in the morning. To me this shouldn't get as harsh of as a punishment if you didn't repeatedly keep doing. The punishment could get harsher over time but it would be less harsh the first than say if you had an orgasm without permission for the first time. The punishment severity should match how bad the thing the person is being punished for is.

What is your philosophy about using punishment in D/s relationships?
I partially believe that whether or not you use punishments is up to the nature of the relationship. At the very beginning of a relationship I believe punishments shouldn't be used unless they have to be especially if the two in the relationship don't know each other that well. This is because they are only just getting used to what each other can handle and what is/isn't possible. While I think this I also believe it's totally up to the dom whether they deem it a suitable reason for punishing their sub and that they believe the punishment is also suitable. It can also differ between different relationships because it's not a one size fits all kind of thing and everyone has different standards. However I do believe that if the sub has genuinely tried their best and not succeeded they shouldn't get a punishment and perhaps the sub and dom need to have a talk to discuss how they could make easier and more possible and then perhaps try again.

As a sub do you enjoy receiving punishments?
As a short answer no. As I long answer I really dislike receiving punishments because it means I haven't done the best of my abilities and I only really get punished if I haven't tried my best. Whenever I am punished I like to make sure I know what I'm being punished for so I can focus on trying to do my best so that I don't get a worse punishment. Personally I don't think any sub should like receiving punishments because it means that they have done something wrong. A sub may enjoy receiving a finish mentioned because it's the same feeling as getting a punishment but they know that they haven't done anything wrong and it is designed to be more enjoyable for them. I'm not a dom but in my opinion I don't think nay dom should really enjoy giving punishment either because it me as that either they are being too harsh on the sub or the sub isn't giving each best of their ability. I believe a dom should always be patient with the sub before jumping to giving punishment because they may just be having a bad day and be struggling a little bit.

What is the difference between a punishment and a funishment
So I touched up in this on my last question but here I'm going to go slightly into more detail. So I've already described what a punishment is but what exactly is a funishment? This is a fake or fun punishment. It is designed to be pleasurable for the sub and not make them feel displeased with themselves. A lot of people get punishment and funishment mixed up. They will ask to be punished and then they will be upset when the punishment is something that they don't actually enjoy. Usually this occurs when they haven't really done anything wrong but they just want to have a bit of fun. What you should always try to remember is that of you haven't done anything wrong but you want the feeling of punishment you should probably try for some funishment instead.

I also found an article of punishment vs. Funishment so I'm going to link this here:
Likes: light orgasm control, light pain, humiliation being teased, some pet play my sofa, my bed, orgasms, corner time and being a brat

Dislikes: cold, medium pain, discomfort, boredom, bladder control,

Limits:extreme pain, permanent, blood, family, friends, public, pics, videos, diapers, being flicked on the nose

I Am LPVs Princess

Last edited by Butterfly; 02-11-2018 at 01:36 PM.
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