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Old 08-10-2010, 01:08 PM   #81
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Another dare done! Well three really.

Originally Posted by kinyPenelope View Post
ok, since ros did such a good job on her first task, she gets another. ok, gather up some loose many coins as possible...dump them into your panties, then go out don't need to buy anything, just walk around in the shops as the coins jingle around. hopefully have can scavenge up enough coins to make it interesting
Originally Posted by Skarin View Post
simple embarassing dare:
wait until it next rains (shouldnt be too long lol), then go out wearing a tight thin white cotton top, until it turns seethrough. then go into a shop with a male (or bi/lesbian) cashier and ask a question about a item. see how well they can carry the conversation and look you in the eyes. if your feeling very daring, go into anne summers and ask abou some of the nipple accesories. (bonus points if you can make them blush)

I went out with a pile of change in my bag and when I reached the road I put the first handful down the back of my panties, which was very unlucky timing as our next door neighbours decided to choose exactly that moment to turn onto the road to see me with my hand down the back of my knickers. Definitely extremely blushworthy!

It had started to rain slightly before I went out, but it soon started raining quite heavily and my top soon got pretty wet. I did use my umbrella to keep my hair and face dry, which I hope was still in the spirit of the dare, but I didn't try to stop the rain wetting my top.

It felt quite nice the coins sliding around, so a bit further on I put another handful down the front. By now my panties were weighed down a bit and sort of hanging lower, but there wasn't really any jingling, so when I got closer to the shops I put the rest of the coins down the back. This time they sort of slid underneath and I could feel then dragging my knicks down quite a lot. I was getting a bit worried that coins would start falling out, which I'd thought, because obviously with a thong a lot of them would have fallen out.
I was having to walk quite carefully, and it felt very precarious and the way the coins were rubbing against me was quite nice too!

I went to a chemist shop, and the coins were definitely jingling now, quite loudly if i walked fast, so i slowed down and went in the shop. There isn't an Anne Summers near where I live, so I thought this one was best as I know it has a male chemist there. I'd been thinking what to ask for, to try and get close to the dare, so I told him that my nipples were tender and quite sore and did he have anything for that. I saw his eyes flick to my breasts, I suppose he couldn't help it, as my nips were quite perky with all the cold rain and everything and obviously my top was a bit see through being wet too. Anyway he seemed a bit embarrassed, almost more than I was, and the upshot was he said I should really go and get checked by my GP. I did buy some sudocreme though, maybe I can do something with it for a dare or something.

So, that was the first two dares of today, and I'll carry on with the third one I did in another post soon. By the way, there is a pic of the coins that went in my knickers in my album (it might still be in the moderation queue for a little while though).

The third dare was about getting muddy, and there will be some pics for that too!

Likes embarrassment, public, accidentally on purpose, revealing clothes, getting wet or messy, exhibitionism, needing the toilet, being spanked, being helpless, having to do as i'm told, being punished

Doesn't like things that could get me into big trouble or danger, or risk my health

Hard limits: family, blood, cam,....might add more when i find out what they are.

I'm not looking for a Mistress or a Master right now
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