Thread: Staff?
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Old 08-10-2010, 11:48 AM   #7
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Originally Posted by Manbearpig View Post
I agree with you Doctor on all things except the 2 active mods. Of course Betty and myself have already been mentioned. If you look at the ban list, you still see active moderation by Pingu and Amelie and you of course Lilangel is still around as far as I can tell. Other mods still login but may remain invisible (myself included) but wish to be seen for various odd reasons. But I get where you are getting at.

One last note on your post Doctor: I have not seen a case where an old mod comes on and starts bossing people around. That doesn't mean that it hasn't happened. But I haven't seen it.
Fair points. I removed my last point because it was a bit naff. I didn't say there were instances of people abusing their written status, but I merely said I was well against it, implying people should use their status for good. And I agree with you when you say nobody's abused it or just sat sailing with a grin on their face just because they're staff.

And yeah. I recognise Amelie and Pingu as they do great work on banning spammers. I don't look at the list often and I guess that's where the idea of not knowing/seeing comes into it. You and Bella post quite a lot in the forums, especially when you're moderating threads but Pingu and Amelie don't because they can't. That's what I was meaning when I said some mods work "behind the scenes" some.

(God, I waffle xD)
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