Thread: Fiction: The Village
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:17 AM   #1
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Book The Village

Part 1

Adam was a boy and Eve was a girl. According to various sources, these were the first two people. Like, ever. The first boy, the first girl. But this story focuses on not the first, not the second, but, well, a few boys and a few girls later. Skip ahead from that heavenly garden some 2010 years and we’re about right. Enter Brunshaw, take the third exit at the central roundabout, head onwards for 3 miles, via left and take the third sharp exit on the right hand side, nudge left, continue onwards, follow the sexy satnav lady’s voice, turn into Moonshine Crescent and follow the road ahead.

24, 26, 28, 30. You have reached your destination. 30 Moonshine Crescent. Beyond the front door and the bricks which surrounded it to act as a safe and supportive living environment (more commonly referred to as a house), lived three people. Mrs Milligan, Mr Milligan and their daughter, Isabella. Isabella Milligan. Now, I’ve introduced the family but I’ll only describe one of the three residents to you because two of the family will conveniently exit the story to compliment the narrative and plot development.

Isabella Milligan, but Bella for short. Or Bells. Jingle, at Christmas. I digress. Stood upright, she was taller than her mum, who was quite short, really then rendering Bella average height. Jet black hair fell from the heavens above, straight down passing her hazel eyes, each one holding the power of a thousand diamonds. If only she had that in bank notes and coins. The girl was 17 years old, just turned, her birthday a month ago on 18th June. Unluckily for her, this unfortunate date made her the youngest in her year at college, but she didn’t mind. She was able to be that little bit more cheeky and she often took advantage.

Her mainstream personality – and, by that, I mean she was just like most of the other girls in college; charming, occasionally loud, fun... you get the idea – held a few quirks. One being her unique over-use of the word “rawr”. In fact, it might as well have been her name. Every piece of paper, whether it be scrap or for the most formal exam or interview in the world, would have a doodle monster on it with the word “rawr” in a comic speech bubble. It made her cute, somehow. She also had a habit of using other such words like “smush” and “snuggle”. You know the ones. Really, at heart, she was just a big softie, and she loved it.

Highlights of her divine figure included the perfectly-tanned legs and the set of perks she kept close to her chest. Two small perks of perfect size, self-admittedly her best features. Some of the guys might’ve argued, indeed claiming her “yum bum” to be crowned as her Number One, but we all know girls are always right and she was more than happy to put the gawpers in their places. ‘Course, though, she never refrained from the odd tease here and there.

Last edited by Slenderman - Doctor; 08-09-2010 at 07:46 AM.
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