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Old 02-01-2018, 12:30 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by thatkittengirl View Post
I would love to see you do my intense clit play dare that you gave thanks for. You can remove anything that collides with a limit. Have fun!

After stripping almost naked I gave myself a nice hard wedgie like instructed. It made my ass look great.

Next I removed my panties and placed two of the clothes pins on each of my labia. The third I attempted to place on my clit. It slipped off twice. It did not feel awesome. I was beginning to doubt I'd be able to do this dare. Yes I'm a wuss after I finally got it placed I did my ten jumping Jack's. I have very large tits so it was uncomfortable but sort of sexy to watch in the mirror. Then I stood with my legs slightly spread, arms behind my back, and chest and butt out. I watched the first porn over ten mins I found. It was entitled 'females do shemales'. It was, quite frankly, boring as hell. I stuck through 13 mins of the most vanilla porn I've ever seen. Afterwards I snatched the clothes pins off my labia off first. It wasn't terrible. Next after a quick inhale I snatched the one off my clit. God it hurt. I was dripping though.

My clit was sore after this so the ice cube helped. At first the ice melted fast on my hot pussy. But after a few minutes it wasn't melting as fast because my pussy was so fucking cold. It stung, and my fingers stung. It was also making a mess, my own juices and the melted ice, on my floor and thighs.

I had only managed to find 8 Bobby pins. I don't generally use them, so I'm surprised I even found that many. After some adjustments I got all eight on my clit. It didn't hurt at all. I'm guessing because my clit was so iced over. It took less than two minutes to melt the ice over my nipples and tits. It made an even bigger mess. The Bobby pins flew off as I was bending over to set up a timer on my phone.

I set the timer for three mins and rubbed a glob of ultra mint toothpaste directly on my clit. I had to do slow strokes, and circles, and flicks, so I wouldn't come. It felt great to give my poor clit a little love. I really had to stop myself from continuing. I did my 30 jumping Jack's while watching in a mirror again. After I took the glass I had left over ice in and filled it with water. I stood in the bathtub and slowly, at first, poured the water on my pussy to wash the toothpaste off. The cold took my breathe away. So I quickly poured the icey water, and rubbed the toothpaste away.
My clit is still sore after 45 mins

This is dare 1. I will get to the others in the next few days.
I'm a stupid cunt
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