Thread: Tattoo/Piercing
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Old 08-06-2010, 01:38 PM   #44
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At the time being, I have 3 tattoos, a Celtic symbol on my chest, an own design on my right upper arm and a bar-code in my neck.
  • The bar-code is for a very dear friend, who absolutely deserves to be under my skin.
  • The Celtic symbol has a personal meaning as my brother and I got our tattoo at the same time, kind of a symbol to show our devotion to each other and our family.
  • The one on my arm is the eye you see on my avatar and profile pic. Without all the color effects behind it. So just the eye, eyebrow and tears. This is the most personal and meaningful tattoo I'll ever have. As each tear represents a single event where I caused a lot of pain to a lot of people, which I of course regret.

As for piercings, I only have 2 left. One in each nipple. I used to have 2 in each nipple, 2 in my nose, snakebites, 3 in my right eyebrow, a dermal on my plexus solaris, a dermal on my throat en a prince albert. The last one, was a HUGE mistake. Believe me, you don't want that particular organ infected.
Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, but your behavior decides who will stay in your life...

29, male who will always reply when spoken to, will on rare occasions accept a dare, is NOT interested in M/s, will NEVER ask or give out pics or vids.

Never forget the people who left you, even if you can't stand them anymore, their love or friendship used to make you feel good.

Visit Kinktalk (18+), it could use more good members.
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