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Old 07-26-2010, 09:07 PM   #41
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 11

Originally Posted by IDareYouTo! View Post

The next thing I remember was waking up in the morning with a splitting headache,
and wearing nothing but a pair of blue lacy panties...over my head.

At first I was confused, my brain was full of fuzzy cotton, my mouth was
dry, my stomach roiling, and somebody kept banging, hard and steady,
on some kind of big kettle drum not far away, and there was this chainsaw
going, too, like someone was trying to bring down a tree close at hand!
I might have been able to tolerate all that, but there was also the brilliant
spotlight shining in my face, blazing right through my eyelids even after
I squeezed my eyes shut!

In short, I was hung over.

I blinked my eyes against the glare of the spotlight, which slowly resolved
itself into the glow through the closed curtains of our bungalow. It really
was not very intense, but it sure seemed that way! The dim, cloudy
sunlight burned my sensitive eyes as intensely as a theatre spotlight might
have done if I had been well.

The banging sound, I managed to discern after forcing my rebellious eyes
to open and look around, was the steady drip...drip...drip of water from
melted ice in one of our glasses, now lying on its side on the card table.
Each splash of the water on the floor, a few feet from my head, might as
well have been crashing cymbals.

I moved my head a little, stopped to let the world slow down and cease
spinning, paused for another moment to let the bombs going off in my
aching head to settle down, and then I managed to turn my head enough
to see where the chainsaw was.

Turns out there was no chainsaw, exactly. My youngest daughter Janet
and I were lying side-by-side on the floor, our heads resting on cushions
from the sofa, and Janet was snoring a few inches away from me. I felt
a weight on my midsection, and looked down to see Rebecca lying with
her head pillowed on my belly, stretched out on the floor of the living
room as well. In fact, all five of us were lying in a big pile in the floor,
apparently we’d fallen asleep in the middle of our final drunken round of
partying, pretty much where we were.

Old memories came rushing back from the college days back in the 70s,
I’d had some dorm parties that left me waking up in a pile pretty much
like this...but it felt a lot different at 54, with my daughters piled up on
the floor with me instead of my roommates and our guys, and let me tell
you a hangover can be a lot worse at 54 than 21!

It was about then that something else penetrated my bleary, pained, and
aching consciousness, I was wearing panties on my head. I had already
observed that when I first woke up, but now it really penetrated, I
mean I was actually wearing panties on my head. They weren’t my
panties either, I hadn’t been wearing blue silk panties the day before!

Bit by bit it came back to me, in shaky half-recollected pieces, I’d lost
out bet, and the girls had more-or-less grabbed me and pulled my undies
off to get me all-the-way-naked. I remembered laughing very hard, and
that we’d been pretty damned drunk and it had turned into a big party,
I remembered singing some songs, though now which ones exactly, I
remembered a few odd bits and pieces, I remembered us deciding it was
too big an effort to go to our beds, and grabbing cushions off the sofa
or the chairs and falling asleep in a pile on the floor.

Actually, that part was kind of nice, it satisfied some obscure maternal
impulse in me to have my babies all snuggled up around me! Kate’s
head on my lap, Janet laying against my back, one arm around me, my
other twin was a couple of feet away and her her head resting on
Kate’s legs, and Melissa was lying againsat Rebecca’s back. There was
a pleasant warmth to their bodies snuggled against me, part of me wished
I could stretch out my arms and pull them all close as I might have done
when they were tiny.

None of us had put anything on after our game, so the girls had on their
panties and I had on panties too, only these were on my head!

Then I noticed that Jan was naked too, and I remembered that she
had been wearing blue panties, and it clicked, somehow or other during
the drinking after the game, Janet had ‘crowned’ me the winner by
taking off her underwear and making me wear it on my head, and it was
still there now. I blushed, I mean I was 54 years old and I had my own
daughter’s used underwear over my head!!

Then, as my mind continued to clear, an even more disturbing thought
penetrated into what passed for my half-awake mind: I had lost the

My stomach, already roiling from the hangover, now twisted up anew
as I remembered the terms of the bet: two weeks of slavery, to my own

I lay there wondering how in the world I had gotten myself into this mess.

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