Thread: Spelling
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Old 11-08-2007, 03:16 AM   #15
getDare Devil
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I use Firefox's integrated spell checker. It's really helpful as I always get at least 5 typos when I write. Mostly because I haven't yet learned how to type without looking at the keyboard... Well... Kinda.

So I suggest firefox to anyone who isn't a good speller. And Sum(1) is right. Its not so much the spelling, but the stupid 1337-speak, and chat-speak that annoys me.

Firefox's spell-checker works almost everywhere, except in titles and stuff like that. But it works on any forum I've ever been on. So it's a very useful toy. It works the same way Word's spell-checker does. Is you make a mistake, it comes with some suggestions to some words you might have been trying to spell. If it's a word the dictionary doesn't know, you can add it.

But an integrated spell-checker on this site would be great too, for all the non-firefox users.
My dares are bigger than your dares!

Im doing dares again If you wanna send one, you can PM me, but I'll probably hang around the dare threads as well.

Limits: I wont ingest anything nasty, Nothing messy that will ruin my furniture or belongings, nothing public, nothing illegal.

most humiliating dare:
I was dared not to remove my panties at all for a few days. Not even for bathroom duties, and to cut a little hole for 'nr 2' as I couldnt remove them . It was strange.
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