Thread: Spelling
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Old 11-07-2007, 07:01 PM   #12
getDare Devil
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Misspelling i don't personally mind so much, not every school system teaches english spelling well (i know from experience of ironically the english school system)
The thing i find annoying is people who use the most ridiculous abbreviations for things, in their quasi leet speak way 1 m34n 1f 7h3y w4n7 70 5p34k 1n |337 7h3n 7h3y c4n, 4nd ju57 637 b4nn3d n1c3 4nd 5h4rp15h yeah i didn't know all that, ran it through a leet speak translator, who would have thought such a thing would exist.

For normal misspellings, is there a way to set up a spell checker, i don't know maybe passing things to an external online spell checker? I don't really know how these forums work (know they're adapted off the shelf things)
Apart from that the only thing i could think of that would help would be to ban those that use gross misspellings, but then it becomes problematic, as where is the line drawn, how many misspellings over how many posts constitutes a warning or a ban?

Well those are just some of my thoughts on the matter
in this post when i spell checked it there were at least 20 mistakes, most of these words which i know how to spell, but as I'm typing fast get misspelt through lack of concentration, and i consider myself an educated person
Just a little thought there, not sure what if anything it adds to the argument
Through the darkness of futures past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds

Fire walk with me

I'm off to kinktalk. Bye all.
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