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Old 12-10-2017, 01:05 AM   #80
A Butterfly Princess <3
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Originally Posted by alias View Post
*takes a deep breath*

question time... ready, steady, go!

1) has anybody ever used a cheesy pickup line on you?
No, I have actually been pretty fortunate to not have been subjected to cheesy pickup lines.
2) which was your favorite?
3) did any of them ever work?
4) does penis size matter to you?
It does to some extent, but it really does matter more about how he uses it. If it is too small, he needs to have other skills.
5) if so, whats the ideal size?
I would say 5-6 inches and medium girth. I don't like too long because it hurts my cervix, and I can't do too wide because I am kinda small down there.
6) what was the nicest thing anyone's ever said to you?
Hmm ... this is a hard one. There have been a lot of nice things said to me, but I think the most meaningful is always "I love you" especially when you know that it is really sincere.
7) what's the dumbest thing you've ever done that ended up working out for you?
Flying across the country to meet a stranger that I met online (asslvr)
8) most embarassing memory?
I have lots of these, but the most embarassing would be falling down in front of an entire theater full of people when I went to see Frozen.
9) what do you spend most of your time thinking about?
I would probably have to say I think about things I have to do the most often.
10) is there anything you've done in your life that you'll never do again?
Get married
12) do you regret doing it?
No, it was the best decision I ever made, but I just have no desire to do it again.
13) what's your favorite pastime?
Scrapbooking is one of my favorites, but I haven't had a lot of time lately,
instead I just enjoy being around my friends.

14) favorite animal?
Monkey or Dolphin
15) assuming a world in which nothing could stop you from having your favorite animal as a pet, would you want one?
I would love to have a monkey!
16) how old were you when you lost your virginity?
I was 19
17) how was the experience?
It wasn't anything magical, but it wasn't awful either.
18) how did you discover your kinks?
I discovered my interest in BDSM by watching a CSI episode and then I started to do research and realized that I loved the idea of submission and tease and denial and it all started from there.
19) did you notice i skipped 11?
I did not, how rude!
20) did you go back to check?
No, I trusted you
21) what is your biggest kink?
Control. I love feeling like I am not in control. Second would be toys! I love love love toys.
22) what's your lucky number?
23) why?
I don't know why, it just is.
24) what's the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is love
25) how many questions do you think im going to ask? no peeking
26) you're the last person on earth. what do you do?
If I am 100% sure then I would kill myself. I would be way too sad and lonely to live alone.
27) favorite sexual position?
Doggy style
28) whats the kinkiest thing you've ever done?
Hmmm ... maybe stuffing fruits and veggies inside asslvr's butt, or wearing a plug into a public hot tub
29) what's it like being a mod?
Very frustrating sometimes.
30) what was the last food you ate?
A cookie
31) what's the next food you plan to eat?
This butter tart sitting right next to me
33) what's your favorite food?
34) how many questions do you think im going to ask about food?
35) what's your least favorite food?
Soooo many things. I am such a picky eater. I will choose liver though.
36) do you consider yourself a good cook?
I am pretty decent
37) how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
As much wood as a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood
38) why did the chicken cross the road?
To get away from the bad jokes on the other side
39) what's your biggest fear?
Snakes, being shocked and chainsaws
40) if you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
41) how about your weakness?
42) if you were going to be a supervillain, would you want the same power?
Yes, but I don't think I would be a very good villain
43) favorite disney princess?
44) favorite disney song?
This one is super hard! I would say either "Hakuna Matata", "Part of your world" or "When will my life begin"
45) favorite memory from your childhood?
The day my little brother was born.
46) i skipped another number along the way. did you notice?
No! Damn you for tricking me again!
47) why do you think i skip questions?
Because you are mean.
48) what's your darkest fantasy?
Hmm ... maybe being a 48 hour sex slave
49) do you prefer getting lots of questions in one big post, or lots of little posts with 1 question each?
I think smaller chunks of questions in more posts. Not single questions, but like 10 or so.
50) what's your favorite dare?
My favorite dare to give? or favorite dare to get? My favorite dare I have ever given was to my past sub. He had to watch one episode of friends a day and after her watched an entire season,
I would ask trivia questions and he would have to answer in order to win prizes or punishments.

Favorite dare I ever received was probably a custom edge. I had to do it over a voice call and let another couple listen to me. It made me super blushy but it also made me super excited.

51) would you be in a vanilla relationship?
I don't think I could be. I need somebody who is at least open to trying kink and toys and experimenting with me.
52) why did you decide to name your cats after pasta?
Because I originally wanted to get a dog named meatball, but we weren't ready for a dog at the time and so I thought Spaghetti and Fettucine would be good names to go with our future puppy.
53) where does one get those epic undies of yours?
I got them at a store called Torrid
54) what's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you?
There is a member of this site who purchased a plane ticket for me to come and see Asslvr a few years ago. It is that trip that made me decide that I wanted to move across the country to live with him.
55) who did it?
I am going to keep him anonymous for now
56) who was your favorite character in friends?
Joey or Chandler
57) is that the one you're most like?
No, I am most like Monica I think
58) you're stranded on a deserted island and can only bring one thing. what is it?
Assuming I can't bring a boat or another way to escape, I will choose to bring another person with me so that I don't get lonely
59) what accomplishment are you most proud of?
Graduating college
60) I skipped yet another question, what was it?
NOOOOOOO! you jerk face!
61) did you just go back and check the numbers to discover that i did not?
I didn't! But grrrrrrr
62) am i being mean?
Yes, yes you are!
63) a house is built, all sides have southern exposure. a bear walks by, what color is the bear, and why?
White, because it lives at the north pole
64) if jimmy cracked corn, but nobody cares, why is there a song about it?
65) what would happen if pinocchio said "my nose will grow right now"?
He would probably explode
66) If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
Change my getdare name? or real name? If I was changing my real name, it would be to Butterfly. If it was my getdare name, it would be to Princess.Butterfly
67) well, that's all for now i guess. how close was your guess?
Well this says that you asked 67 but you're a freaking liar so I think I am a little further away than it appears. I guessed 72.
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My heart belongs to my Husband: Mr. Devious
Being tortured frequently by my Dom SleepySloth
Served by my loyal worm Jaro
Caring for my little TheBrat

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