Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 06-27-2010, 02:12 AM   #668
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Now I've had some sleep... xD

It was still fantastic. Nobody will change my opinion, but feel free to disagree. There were some plot holes but in a story where the end of the Universe had happened and reality was fucked up majorly, well, I don't care much.

I adore the use of pre-destination paradoxes and it was a clever get-out for the Doctor, just this once. People are already saying it's cheap and lazy - arguably, but it hasn't been done before. So obvious, so simple, so great. Just like the "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" - a work of genius.

Young Amy touching the Pandorica and bringing Amy back to life. Convulted? Convenient. Maybe. But at least Moffat has consistency. I mean, "The Lodger" had a spaceship which required the "right touch" to get started again. The Dalek Progenitor required the "right voice" to activate. So even if it is a bit daft, at least it's been foreshadowed properly. Unlike, say, the Hand in the Jar which just happens to be handy (pun intended) and a cheap way out with no previous hint or explanation.

Rory. It seems I'm in a majority (here, anyway). I love the bloke. He's a doddering but loveable husband/companion. He's loyal to Amy - however mean she is/was to him, he stood by her box for 2000 years. He's great for one-liners and, for me, he helps build Amy's character.

This year, Amy's seemed a bit 2D. Maybe this was due to a lack of family. Probably was. Interesting to give her a family in the last 20 minutes of a series. So, really, Rory was the only "family" she had and I think it was much interesting with the two of them. And even though it was a dream, the characters in "Amy's Choice" really grew together and were brilliant. Much better than Mickey already. And the Doctor has someone to bounce off, as well as Amy. I just love the current Team TARDIS and I hope they all stick around for another series or two.

River Song. She used to bug me, she still does, but not as much. I'm bored of her "spoilers" and "hello sweetie" shtick. Is that all she can do? Her first appearance annoyed me but it made sense. It was fun, mysterious. She was part of the Doctor's life but we didn't know how and why and when. Neither did the Doctor. A great idea never been done before in the show. But now she pops up here, there and everywhere and she's becoming more and more limited and restrained. I'll give her another chance to see if "everything changes" though.

The Doctor in a fez. Brilliant. Roll on the costume changes/tweaks next year ^_^

With regards to the finale in general... I loved the complete change of tone from "TPO". I also liked how the Pandorica was the plot device but it worked. It didn't magically turn into a "save everyone's life" machine. It kept people alive (which is obvious for a prison built by aliens to trap the Doctor - the worst punishment for an almost-immortal man) and because it could do so, it also stored atoms from the moments pre-Universal End. So throwing it into the Big Bang 2 which was exploding at every point in time does sorta make sense. (We have to remember this is science fantasy and the Universe has just gone boom.)

So yeah. Just a bit more from me.

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