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Old 09-06-2017, 05:24 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by darkblue View Post
Hi shy,
maybe you like this one:
When you are at work, go to the washroom, lock yourself in, put on tight nipple clamps and edge three times without cumming. Take off the clamps and go back to work, but without your pants.
Woah! Sorry it's taken me so long to post this. I (finally) completed this on Tuesday and so can finally post.

Now, darkblue, you already know this, but the original dare has been modified. I'm going to put your guys in context.

I attempted to do this dare almost two weeks ago. Once I entered the small washroom adjacent to a break room, though, I got cold feet. I didn't feel brave enough to complete three consecutive edges in there with people right on the other side of the door. I felt really self-conscious about being in there for so long so, on a whim, I decided to modify it. I figured I'd still do my three edges, but I'd spread them over the course of the day. That seemed manageable. When I got home, though, I thought it might be wise to contact darkblue and see what he thought about the impromptu modifications.

As it turns out, while I was writing to him, I realized that I had forgotten a pretty important part of the actual dare: clamping my nipples. After a few exchanges of PMs trying to determine how to handle the situation here's what resulted:

I would complete the dare as written (consecutive edges) but have to complete six of them instead of three and would (obviously) have to have my nipples clamped. If I didn't succeed, for a full week, I would have to roll a die every time I needed to use the washroom. I would only be allowed to go immediately if I rolled a 6. Otherwise, I'd have to wait 45 minutes before relieving myself. Oy! No way I wanted that.

So, with that in mind, I decided I'd get into work early enough to avoid any staff being in the break room. The first thing that I did was zip towards the washroom. At that hour, no one was there yet and I quickly got to work. I’d brought my chopsticks and decided to risk using them (I wasn’t sure if I would because of the lactation that ensued when I did Jaro’s dare earlier). I lifted my shirt enough to pop my breasts out of their cups and I applied a pair of chopsticks to each nipple. Immediately my level or arousal went up and I knew that things would go well. Then, I dropped my pants, applied a drop of arousal gel (to help speed things along) and waited the approximately 30 seconds it takes for it to come into effect. I was buzzing away in no time and immediately started rubbing my clit, placing my three middlemost fingers between my inner labia with my middle finger right on top of my clit.

After about a minute or so, I felt myself getting close to the edge. At that moment, I knew I’d succeed. After all, it’s much easier to build an edge starting from the end of another edge than it is to start without any prior stimulation. I stopped, just long enough to recover and started rubbing again. It took less than a minute this time. Each subsequent edge took less and less time and I ended up completing all six in about as many minutes. Between the cramped space of the washroom, the arousal gel, my tightly clamped nipples, the fact that I could see myself in the mirror, the knowledge of what I was doing (in my workplace!) and the fact that the punishment I would face for not completing the dare was not something I wanted to go through with I had all the right circumstances to get my six edges in quickly.

As soon as I was done, I removed my pants and panties, stashed the underwear in my bag and put my pants back up. I hadn’t heard anyone come into the room adjacent to the washroom, but just for good measure, I flushed the toilet (washed my hands) and left before carrying on with my day.

Quirky, fun & happy 32/F/bicurious/sub

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My stories: Kristy's New School (completed), The Dungeon of Dark Desires (in progress)

By the way, did you know that you can now Ask Me (Almost) Anything?

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