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Old 06-21-2010, 09:03 PM   #33
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 11

Originally Posted by IDareYouTo! View Post

“Deal the cards!” I ordered my daughter, and sighed. It suddenly struck me
that ALL FIVE of us were now wearing nothing but panties!

For a minute, in my inebriated state, I wasn't quite sure why that was important.
I brought it up, and after a moment of giggling debate we realized what the
trouble was: our original bet was that the first one naked had to be a slave
to the other four for our whole two week vacation.

Now, though, we had somehow managed to end up with all five of
in just our underpants! We each had one item left, which meant that no
matter how the next round went, four of us would down to nothing, and
we’d have no loser!

Five middle-aged women, or maybe four of us were middle-aged and
Janet was not quite there yet, 3/4s drunk and in just our panties, giggling
and laughing and teasing each other, didn’t make for a very coherent
discussion of how to handle our little problem. In retrospect, I’m surprised
nobody suggested we just drop the whole thing, after all, our impromptu,
all girl strip poker game had ended up being a lot of fun already, why not
just call it and leave it?

But nobody suggested that, I think none of us were sober enough to think
of it!

Finally, we decided that playing another round of cards was pointless, since
it would only end with four of us losing our undies. We were too bleary
to think of maybe changing the rules, that would have taken too much, ah,
‘focus’. At last, at Melissa’s suggestion, we decided to just cut the cards
and draw, high card was the big loser!

Each of us shuffled the cards in turn, just to make sure nobody else
tried anything funny. Yeah, right. In our condition none of us could have
remembered what she was doing long enough to cheat! Then we set the
cards on the table, and decided to draw in order of descending age.

Since I was their mother, we concluded that probably meant I was older
than them, though it might have taken us a minute or two to reach that
conclusion. (OK, OK, I’m exaggerating a little. But we were mostly
drunk, I’d been tipsy once or twice with one or two of my daughters, but
this was the first time all four of them and myself were so close to being
blotto together!)

Well, anyway, I drew first, and got...a 9 of spades! I sighed a little in relief,
it meant I was probably fine. Next up was Kate, since she was the older of
the two twins, by a few minutes. I ought to know, I gave birth to them. (Well,
to be honest, I was a little out of it at the time from the epidural, but my
doctor and my late hubby, both of whom were in the room, assured me Kate
was the elder. I assume they had no reason to lie about that.)

Kate drew a five of diamonds, and then Becky drew and got a six of hearts.
Melissa reached in and shakily drew a card...a nine of diamonds! I was starting
to sweat, since a spade trumps a diamond. Unless my youngest drew a card
higher than mine, I was in deep trouble!

Jan reached in, hand shaking from nervousness and booze, and drew out a card,
looked at it, and turned it over to reveal...a deuce of spades!!!!!

My heart sank and my belly twisted, and I don’t remember exactly what
happened next. I remember the five us piling together in what was either a
big group family hug or the girls rushing me, and I remember feeling my panties
sliding off, though I’m pretty sure I did not remove them myself. I remember I
was struggling a little and laughing a lot, and I remember we sang some songs
and drank a little more afterward.

The next thing I remember was waking up in the morning with a splitting headache,
and wearing nothing but a pair of blue lacy panties...over my head.

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