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Old 08-16-2017, 01:04 AM   #6
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Posts: 121

1. Would you rather wear your last Halloween costume or last nights sleepwear for a whole year?(tell us what is is)

I don't even remember my last Halloween costume, I pretty much just hand out candy at the door to the few kids who still trick-or-treat in my neighborhood and don't even bother dressing up or anything. I'd go with last night's sleepwear seeing as I just wear my normal clothes to bed anyhow - last night it was briefs, a red pair of shorts and a Pokémon t-shirt. I guess I might regret that decision in the winter though.

2. Would you rather be naked in stocks/pillory in a public place for an hour then get your clothes back or wake up at a 2 hours walk from your house naked with just your house key?

The naked in stocks in public for an hour because I'd be more content having no control over people seeing me, and I imagine people who don't want to see wouldn't. In the other situation I'd be skulking around embarrassed and hoping not to get seen by minors, picked up by the cops, etc.

3. Would you be more embarrassed if your mom or dad caught you masturbating?
My dad, if only because I think he'd react really poorly to seeing what kinds of stuff I do to myself and especially to what kinds of people I find attractive enough to deed to. Mom would probably be more embarrassed than me if she caught me but she'd at least be understanding.

4. Would you rather be hypnotized to act like a dog or a baby?
A dog. Not my first choice of animals to be hypnotized into acting like, or even in the top 5, but the idea of ageplay/acting like a baby doesn't appeal to me at all.

5. Would you rather be the only one naked at a party fully of guys or girls?
A party of girls. 'Cause I'd rather be with girls. And at least they won't all be bragging about being bigger than me.

6. Would you rather go to the doctor to remove a vibrating egg from your ass or wait a week until it falls out?(its on a low vibrate the whole time)
I'd suck it up and go to the doctor. I don't like things in my butt to begin with. I'd be unable to sleep and go insane by the end of the week.

7. Would you rather do a lap dance or a pole dance for your celebrity crush?
I don't really have a celebrity crush, but theoretically, a pole dance, because they're sexier IMO.

8. Would you rather only be able to have sex after eating an onion or a can of beans? (onion = bad breath and beans = farting a lot)
After eating the onion. Bad breath I can tolerate. Flatulence bothers me too much. I get annoyed at myself if I fart while masturbating, even if my partner were into it I'd absolutely hate myself if I were doing it constantly during sex.

9. Would you rather have a 3 inch penis or an 15 inch penis when erect?
I'd rather have a long, pink, tapering 15-inch dolphin penis. But presumably I have to stick with a human one, so 3 inches. Slamming into my partner's cervix every time I try to have sex wouldn't be fun for anyone.

10. Would you rather have an A cup or an F cup bra size?
Even if I were a woman, I'd still go with A cup. I'm really not into breasts. Anything higher than B cup is pushing it for me.

11. Would you rather have a unicorn horn or a fluffy bunny rabbit tail?
A unicorn horn of course! That's the source of their magic powers, after all. Maybe I could get Twilight Sparkle to join me for some tea.

12. Would you rather be strip searched at an airport or the entrance of a nightclub on the spot?
I guess I'd go with the nightclub, the people there are probably more attractive and into seeing a strip search then the general public you'd find at the airport.

13. Would you rather wear a butt plug or a ball gag for 5 hours?
The ball gag. I'd really dislike having a butt plug stuck in me for that long.

14. Would you rather a one night stand find out you wear the opposite genders undies or that you grow a jungle down there when its time to strip?
Oddly, I'd rather they find me wearing women's underwear even though I normally don't and I also usually don't shave my pubic area. Honestly I prefer clean-shaven folks but I'm sort of lazy about shaving myself in general (which is why I usually have more of a beard than I think I should), and I'm always afraid of cutting myself up badly when I do shave.

15. Would you rather give oral to the next stranger you see or the last person you texted?(who was it)
Yikes... I don't text very often, but I think the last person I texted was my mom, so I'll try my luck with the stranger.

16. Would you rather your results of this quiz to be posted on your Facebook or on your kitchen fridge for a month?
On the fridge. Probably nobody would even notice, whereas on Facebook I know my parents and close relatives would see.
41/M/Straight...ish (it's very complicated)

Likes: furry, plushie, sadomasochism, chemical play (icy hot, tiger balm, hot pepper), genital torture, cam pics/video (no face), forced orgasm
Dislikes: anal, feet, ruined orgasm
Limits: scat, puke, blood/gore, piss/cum drinking, permanent, public, family, showing my face
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