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Old 07-21-2017, 11:53 AM   #44
getDare's Naughtiest Kitten
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Originally Posted by Lightze View Post
I kinda wanna make a joke about the kitty who got the cream. It's definitely you! (Oh, I did make a joke about- you get the idea!)

me-ow! You lick yogurt offa banana like a pro! (Hehehe!)
I'm the cat that got the cream indeed! :3 And would you believe it's my first time? ;p

Originally Posted by qmu View Post

Seems appropriate =D Damn sexy kitten licks...
Hehehe, you really think that was sexy? ^w^

Originally Posted by zboy663 View Post
Hmm what is a good humiliating pic for a kitty such as you? I know, to wash down that thick yogurt I think you need to collect some urine in a cup and drink it. You don't have to drink very much, after all this isn't a punishment, just enough to wash down your snack. Oh and of course enough to get a good picture or gif, whichever you prefer.
I'm writing this immediately after finishing, so right now, my mouth tastes like pee. :P

As I mentioned before, gif tasks where I need to drink or lick stuff are a bit finicky in terms of angles. I have to be careful to have as little of my face in frame as possible, while still showing what I'm doing.

Now, the original dare said I don't have to drink very much, and that's a touching thought. The problem is that I'm extremely competitive, and don't settle for anything less than my best.

So, you'll notice in the gif that the glass is between one half and three-quarters full. This was... probably overly ambitious, to be honest, but you can't fault me for trying. ^^

Washing a kitty's mouth out.

I made it almost all the way before the taste got to me and I couldn't swallow anymore. You can see my cheeks puff out as my mouth fills with it, and I have to force myself to swallow. I didn't quite manage all of it, either, as you can tell at the end. I stuck my tongue out in disgust, and some trickled down it and spilled out.

It's almost a shame there's no sound in gifs, because I made quite a cute little "ugh >.<" sound when I did that. ^^

Thanks a lot, zboy! I suppose I very technically failed this one. ^^ I hope you enjoy the gif anyway! I know I loved making it.

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