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Old 07-18-2017, 09:44 PM   #8
The toe sucking anal slut
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Originally Posted by pup. View Post
so... 10+(26x3)=88
Yes, thanks for doing the math for me

Since you have never tried using a stick, spank your inner right thigh 15 times with a stick... can be any stick.
To make it even more interesting, spank your feet (30 times each foot) with a hairbrush.
The rest of the spanks will be as you please.
Uuuuhh.... okay....

1. If you had to write 100 words on your body, what color marker/sharpie would you write in and why?
Black marker, because that is the marker I have and always use for that. But 100 words is a lot!

2. What is your opinion on using ducktape?
Ducktape is very useful for quick repairs around the house. It's also grey, I like the color grey. Also, it's actually duct tape. No ducks were harmed in the creation of said tape.

3. Do you work out? if so, do you listen to music when you do? if not, would you listen to music if you did workout?
I usually do not work out but when I do I don't listen to music. I probably should work out more.

4. are you good at climbing trees? when was the last time you climb a tree?
I am very good at climbing anything. As a kid I used to climb every tree. I had tree huts and many an hour I spent in trees. I even spent the night in a tree once. I think the last time I climbed a tree was about 1.5 years ago.

5. do you like crawling like the dirty worm that you are?
Sometimes, yes

6. what is your favorite outfit to wear? (naked is not an outfit)
It's not? Well in that case.... my sweat pants and sweater

7. what is your favorite chore and why?
Probably ironing. It's quickest as I usually only iron 1 shirt if I have to before I put it on.

8. do you clean your windows?
Very rarely. I should actually.

9. do ever wear scarfs?
Rarely. I have one for winter which I sometimes do wear with a certain coat. But otherwise not. I find sweaters annoying.

10. how often do you wear hats?
Just my cap sometimes outside to block out the sun from my eyes

11. what kind of hats do you wear?
The cap I mentioned

12. do you wear glasses?
At the moment, yes. But usually during the day I wear contacts

13. What is the most number of times you have spanked your feet in one sitting?
Maybe 10? I haven't spanked them very often

14. do you like your feet being spanked?
I am not sure. It's more painful then my ass, that's for sure.

15. what kind of rulers do you have? metal? wooden? plastic? How long are they?
I only have a plastic ruler which is 32 centimeters. It isn't effective on my ass but maybe other places.
I also have have a wooden paint stirrer which is a bit longer.

16. what color is your hair?

17. what color are your eyes?

18. have you ever painted your toes?
No, but I have painted my toe nails.

19. have you ever painted your nails?

20. What is your favorite question that someone has asked you on your ama? Who asked you this?
DareFiend asked me "Since you are a worm, the question logically (?) presents itself, what is your favorite worm hole?"
I'm not sure it was the best of all but it made me laugh.

21. when was the last time you ate peanut butter?

22. have you ever worn a skirt? what color was it?

23. what was the longest time you have worn a bra?
About 30 minutes, due to a dare that Samishere gave me on my reduction thread.

24. who was the last person who saw you naked?
A professional domme

25. has anyone ever seen you wear a bra?

26. why did you draw a picture of a tombstone?
I'd rather not get into that if you don't mind

Thank you for your questions!

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