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Old 07-07-2017, 12:14 PM   #1
The toe sucking anal slut
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Originally Posted by pup. View Post
Alrighty... 30 questions as promised XD .... there is technically more than 30 because some have two but you only need to count 30 questions
1. circles or squares? why?
Circles. I like well rounded things.

2. what do you like about edges?
I actually don't like the edges themselves, I like the horny effect they bring. But unfortunately they also often bring a ruin which I hate. So I kind of have a love-hate relationship with edges.

3. have you ever been a dom?
No, but I am curious about that too. But I really am mostly a sub. Maybe just 10-15 % dom?

4. what was the sexiest outfit you have ever worn?
I don't think I have anything that I would call sexy. I hear some women find a man in a suit sexy so I guess the answer would be a suit then.
I recently bought some lingerie to be used for cross dressing dares and while that stuff is certainly sexy, I don't think it makes me look very sexy so I don't think that qualifies.

5. steak or bacon?
Steak. I personally find bacon highly overrated.

6. would you eat a worm for a dare?
No, certainly not a live one!

7. what would you do for me if I said I might give you a chance to reduce all your edges?
The easy answer would be: whatever you want. But that would not only be too easy, it would also be untrue. I could never do whatever you want. You might want a million dollars and I'm not gonna give you a million dollars.
What I can do is give you a custom and personalized dare. Or I could help you with a new set of pm dares. Or perhaps I could help you out with one of your threads, like your own AMA thread.

8. do you like ALL feet? even ugly/hairy ones?
No I don't like all feet. In fact there are many feet I don't like. I don't like male feet for one. Although I guess that is a little unfair to the feet because some, although it's a minority, of men do take good care of their feet so if taken at feet-value they could look just as good. But I am straight and I am not attracted to men so being attracted to their feet seems weird. I also don't like hairy feet, feet with fungus, feet with hammer toes, Hobbit feet and feet that aren't human. Also feet should be well cared for and the toenails should always be kept short! I'm also not a big fan of yellow or orange toenail polish nor am I a fan of toe rings.

9. what are you most scared of?

10. when was the last time you drooled?
Last night probably. I always drool when I sleep.

11. why do you love drooling?
I find it humiliating and it makes me messy and I like both those things.

12. what are you wearing right now?
Contacts and otherwise nothing

13. do you procrastinate?
Yes, all the time. I procrastinated even answering these questions way too long. I'm so sorry.

14. what would you do if you were swimming next to a real live shark?
Actually I already have. But that was a small and friendly shark. Did you know most shark are entirely not dangerous.
But I'm assuming you meant a great white. In that case I would probably literally shit my paints. So I hope it hates poo.

15. when did you learn about your passion for feet?
It was only about 10 years ago I think. I'm not sure when exactly and I don't know how it happened either. When I was a youngster I couldn't care less about feet.

16. how much sleep did you get last night?
Almost 8 hours actually. Usually it's only barely 7 sometimes even 6.

17. when was the last time you went to a party?
How many people are needed before you can call it a party? With a large group that was a few months ago. From my work. I didn't like it. I don't like parties in general.

18. who was the last person you talked to in real life?
A friend, and almost an hour ago.

19. what would you do if you were invisible for one day?
Walk around naked everywhere and probably look at feet closer then I should.

20. if you could break one rule, any rule in the world, for one week, what would it be and why?
That is a very difficult question. I really have to think there are so many rules. I can't think of any rule that bothers me really. I really have to think much longer for this. If I think of something I will surely let you know.

21. what is the goal of life? what is our purpose?
This one's easy actually in my humble opinion. There is no purpose. I don't believe in God and I think the universe and like just ARE. The universe couldn't care less about you. We just ARE. We just exist. But I find that a positive thought actually. It means I can be anything or do anything. There is no absolute judgement. So our personal goal is just to make the most out of like. Just in order to get the best experience out of it because we are only here once.

22. if an alien was looking at you 2 yards away from you, what would be the first 3 things you would do?
1. Freak out; 2. Back off; 3. After a while come back again because I'm curious.

23. What is your opinion on Trump?
I think he's a total and utter fool. He doesn't take his job seriously at all. It's just a playground for him. Just a game: playing president. And nurturing his gigantic ego.
But then, I really couldn't care less. I'm not even American and the USA isn't even really ruled by presidents anyway so I don't think it matters much.

24. microwave or oven?
Oven. I don't even have a microwave.

25. newspaper or magazine?
Magazine on specific subject. Although I rarely read either.

26. mug or glass?
Depends on for what. Mugs are for coffee. Glasses are for everything else. But I use the glass mostly.

27. what is your religion? are you very religious?
Like I said above: I'm not. I'm an atheist.

28. how do you feel about snakes?
Snakes are cool. I'm not afraid of them even if I know I honestly should be because many are extremely dangerous. Some species can kill you within 5 minutes. They are pretty fascinating really.

29. are you good with babies? what about kids?
Uhm, no not particulary.

30. refrigerator or freezer? why?
Refrigerator. I cannot do without it wheras I could do without a freezer.

Well... that's 60 new edges for me.
Poor me.
All the reductions I earned before are now all back again.

But thank you of course for the good questions. I hope my answers are satisfactory.

Worm owned by
Princess Butterfly

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