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Old 10-20-2007, 06:25 PM   #18
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

“Mary, let me get you out of this thing.” Julie said stepping next to Mary. Mary’s heart was pounding, she couldn’t say anything, she was too afraid now. Mary undid the button in the front of the skirt, and the skirt lowered a bit on Mary’s hips. She then realized this would be even worse now. She forgot that she would have to somehow step out of the skirt.

“I’ll give you a lift to help.” Jenny said coming over to Mary. Jenny then placed her hand in Mary’s armpits and proceeded to try and lift her out of the skirt. Mary shrieked when she attempted this, she wasn’t ready to be exposed.

She didn’t want to be seen with just the panties, but she also didn’t want anyone to see the wet spot that surely had grown. Julie then came over to help since Jenny couldn’t do it herself.

Mary was incredibly red in the face. Here she was being lifted out of her skirt by her friends, with these two strangers watching. She couldn’t cover up with them lifting her like this.

Julie had her arms rapped around her waste, but didn’t stand in the way of her panties. Jenny was equally no help. Soon they had her feet through the skirt and they put Mary down.

Mary’s first reaction was to cover up the front her panties with both hands. She then faced the opposite direction of all of them. She was so embarrassed she had yet to realize that covering her front didn’t really help when she was exposing her back to them.

The girl just giggled at the whole thing. The guy just had a smile. The guy went to work on the door while the girl started to talk to Jenny and Julie about various things. Mary though was so confused what to do.

She had realized that she shouldn’t have turned around and decided to hide behind Jenny and Julie. She listened in on the conversation. They weren’t talking about much, but when the girl realized Mary was listening she changed the subject to her.

“Oh I feel so bad for you, how horribly embarrassing for something like this to happen to you.” She said sincerely

“Uh…” was all Mary could say, she was much too embarrassed to actually say any words. She just looked down to the ground.

“Don’t feel too bad, at least you had panties.” The girl said trying to console her.

“Yeah, imagine what it would be like without any.” Julie said, but the way she said it made Mary shiver.

“I’ve got it.” The guy said walking over to them. Mary quickly readjusted her hands, to make sure they were covering her properly. She tried her best to use Julie and Jenny as shields; of course they didn’t stay too still.

“Oh, aren’t you just a Mr. Fixit.” The girl said going by him.

“Sorry it took so long. I made sure though to not damage it.”

“Thanks a lot. Right, Mary?” Jenny said turning to Mary.

“Yes… thank you… very much.” Mary said, having a hard time talking to him. Every time she tried to look him in the eyes she kept turning away.

“Sweetie, give her the skirt back, you are making her feel really embarrassed.” The girl said nudging the guy in the arm.

“Oh right, sorry.” The guy said forgetting it. He was going to hand it to Mary, but Jenny quickly snatched it herself.

“Thanks again.” Jenny said as the two of them went off.

“That was horrible, just horrible.” Mary said as she sat against a tree on the ground.

“I think you liked it.” Julie joked.

“No, I didn’t, now can I get dressed.”

“You are.” Jenny said.

“No, I need the skirt. A deal is a deal.” Mary argued as she stood up grabbing at the skirt.

Jenny just pulled the skirt away before Mary could get a hold of it. “You don’t need it, and the skirt isn’t part of the deal. We said you get the panties, we didn’t say anything about the skirt.”

“Yeah, you owe me for the ruined panties anyways.” Julie said smiling.

“Ruined…?” Mary didn’t understand what she meant; she looked down to look and was shocked. She could see the big wet spot she had made, she quickly covered it up.

“Told you, you liked it.” Julie joked.

“So, I think we can make a deal though. We will give you the skirt, but you have to give us the panties, and your shirt. So, go topless, or parade in your wet panties?” Jenny asked.

“I can’t go topless, keep the skirt!” Mary yelled. She then started to walk off on the trail. She couldn’t believe what they were doing. She couldn’t just go around without a top on, even if it meant being seen in panties. She still had her hand over her panties. She could still feel the wet spot.

Jenny and Julie didn’t start walking yet. They just stood there watching Mary. Mary stopped. She thought about what she might look like, having nothing below the waste except for some panties with her hand there. She’d look like she was doing something other than a normal nature walk.

Without her hand there, well she didn’t want to take her hand away in the first place. She liked it there, it felt good. She was shocked at what she was thinking.

She tried to get those thoughts out of her head. She knew there were better reasons to not move her hand. Someone would see her wet spot she told herself.
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