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Old 06-08-2017, 10:26 AM   #45
A Butterfly Princess <3
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Originally Posted by pup. View Post
Thank you so much for answering!

1. What do you do for work?
I am the office manager of a Church.
Oh nice! What do you do as an office manager? Are you Catholic? Are you very religious?
I answer phones and the door. I put together the worship folder and newsletter each week. I organize fundraising. I advertise.
I deal with rentals, weddings, funerals, parking, etc. I basically run the church!

I am not very religious. I grew up Catholic and was baptized, but religion was forced on me and I despised that. I believe that people should be kind and respectful and helpful but I do not believe in God. I don't know if there is a God. I also don't believe that if there is a God, that not following certain rules (ie. attend church, don't use birth control) will determine whether you are a good or bad person.

2. Do you have any hobbies?
Yes. I love to scrapbook.
Sounds amazing! Do you find it to be calming? What kind of things do you put in your scrapbooks?
I do. I like doing a lot of different art projects and find it very relaxing and calming. I have scrapbooks from vacations and also different events (birthdays, holidays etc.) from when I was a child up to present. I will be starting a wedding scrapbook this summer.

3. What was the last thing you bought online?
I have bought so many things online both for work and personal, especially for my wedding. But I think the very last thing would have been a bathing suit. I ended up returning it thought because I didn't like it.
Sorry you didn't like it, what didn't you like about it?
It was too hard to get on. I bought a one piece and because it had underwire, it was too tight and took a lot of work to get it over my hips.

7. What is your favorite genre of music?
What is your favorite artist/album/song to listen to?
This one is really hard. I like a lot of different songs from different artists. I really like Ed Sheeran and also Rascall Flats. I don't think I could choose a favorite song. I just like music in general.

8. lipstick or lipgloss?
Normally I would say lipgloss, but I have been experimenting with lipstick lately and have been enjoying it, but still don't wear it too often.
What color do you like to wear the most?
I always do a pink gloss, but when I do lipstick I try for something brighter and around Christmas I was loving to rock the bright red!

12. What is your favorite thing to do on getdare?
Chat in the lounge.
What do you like about chatting in the lounge?
I like talking to people and socializing. I like helping people and meeting new people.

15. Have you ever used Omegle?
I used to go on Omegle and actually met somebody who I considered one of my best friends for 3 years, on Omegle. However, I haven't been on there in a really long time.
Did you only communicate with this person using omegle? Do you two still talk?
No. We met on Omegle and then that night we started to talk on a voice call on Skype.
After awhile we changed to kik and then we exchanged phone numbers and started to text each other. We also had weekly skype calls where we would stay on skype almost the entire day together. We don't speak as often anymore as we are both very busy, but we still keep in touch.
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My heart belongs to my Husband: Mr. Devious
Being tortured frequently by my Dom SleepySloth
Served by my loyal worm Jaro
Caring for my little TheBrat

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