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Old 06-07-2017, 04:25 AM   #22
The toe sucking anal slut
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Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
1. Do you expect us to let you have an orgasm so easily?
Actually, I did at first, but I fear I have to give up on that idea! Just so you know, there is nothing easy about this all! I am bad at edging so much, I ruin a lot, and this is already taking like forever. I want to cum so bad!

2. What you fear is the worst people could say about you?
That I'm too weird. I know I am weird. But I don't like people thinking that I'm weird in a bad way.

3. What actually is the worst people can say about you if it has to be true?
That I'm lazy and boring.

4. What is the best people could say about you?
That I'm creative.

5. What is the most flattering compliment you could give to yourself if you had to?
Give myself a compliment? That feels a bit awkward. That I'm open minded and unjudgemental.

6. If you had to be an actor in a kinky porn movie, that would be to your liking, how would it go?
Well, I would be a naked slave who would have to pleasure a woman by rimming her, eating her pussy and massaging her feet. As a 'reward' she would tie me up shove her toes down my throat and give my cock a sounding after which she would milk me repeatedly until I almost pass out.

7. If a mistress would force you to act in the worst humiliating porn movie in a way that would still turn you on and not break any limits you are not ready to lift somewhere in the future, how would it go?
Humiliating or degrading? As for humiliation, maybe forced to strip naked in front of a group of strange people, both men and women and undergoing an anal exam in front of them all.

8. Are you good in math?
Not at all.

9. Are you good in languages?
A bit. I think I speak English pretty well and I have learned a bit of Spanish too.

10. If you found the perfect mistress for you, but she had an equal male partner, would you accept her condition was he could fuck you anytime however he wanted? How would you feel about that? (Yes, this counts as one question.)
I feel pretty uneasy about that. I really am straight and the idea of a guy fucking me doesn't turn me on. Which might be weird considering that her fucking me with a strap-on does turn me on. Maybe... just maybe... I would allow it if she was really great and she would also play with me a lot herself. But I am pretty sure I would not enjoy it at all.

11. What would you prefer? A woman with 6 toes on each foot or one with the regular five? Would you be curious about the first woman? (Again, counts as one question.)
As much as I love toes, I think 10 is quite enough. Still, I am curious about the first woman and her actually having 6 toes wouldn't be big turn-off I think.

12. Which people did you tell about your kinks and fetishes?
In real life? Nobody. Well, I did visit a munch once where I talked a bit about my foot fetish.

13. Would you accept a play session with a mistress if she insisted you to petplay a cat? Would you like this with the option for more? (One question again.)
Sure I would. I don't think I'd enjoy it that much but I don't mind. I'd role play any animal if she wanted me to.

14. If you had to bet on the record of highest number of questions one person comes up with in one post in this thread, question that may have not been asked before, and a high punishment would be at stake for you, what number would you bet on? What would you wish to be in for you if you won this bet?
Oh no! I don't dare to bet right now lest it come true. The punishment would be for losing the bet? I'd say 50 but if I win that bet and somebody actually posts 50, I don't want to have to do the edges for it.

15. How does it feel to come up with such great efforts for the community like the RandomDarer and the recent Ultimate Likes and Limits Questionnaire for Subs? How do both go so far? (Making some advertisment here, but it still counts as one question.)
I loved creating both of these, possibly more than seeing the responses (I do love creating stuff.) It is good to know that the RandomDarer is finally pretty well and the people playing are daring each other consistently. It did require
making the game invitation only and regularly kicking out the people who have been offline for a while and don't respond to messages.
The Ultimate Likes and Dislikes Questionnaire is also proving to be pretty popular. Already 25 people have answered it (not including myself) and I have sent out 15 peronalized reports.
Seeing both these projects being pretty popular does make me feel rather proud.
Now when are you going to answer it?

16. How's your total review of all your PM dare experience you had so far, setting them up, receiving, and giving?
In the past I liked them more than I do now. I have been having PM dares on and off again and currently they are off. I'd rather get creative and personalized dares now. I still give them sometimes but there is little interactivity so it is not very rewarding.

17. What attribute, flaw or habit of yours do you fear the most being rejected for by a woman?
Being boring. Outside of kink I don't have many hobbies to speak of and I am often to lazy to go out and do much of anything.

18. What's your favorite salad?
Greek salad, with olives and feta cheese.

19. I know you wrote at least one blog entry about it, but what's your current status on your love-hate relationship with deepthroats? What's the longest dildo you have deepthroated, how far down, and for how long did you held it in the most? How thick is it, and is there any dildo thicker you already deepthroated? (One question. I am SOOOO generous. )
I still both love and hate it, but in my questionnaire I rated it as a like. The longest dildo that I've deepthroated is my only dildo and is 14 cm long until the balls and 3.6 cm thick. I can take it up to about 11.5 centimeters from the balls and hold it for a few seconds.

20. Have you ever fucked a dildo?
Yes, many times.

21. Which of these two mistresses would you prefer: one who doesn't care for her feet and beauty much, but knows how to control you, push you around and dominate you, or a shy one who takes great care about her looks, hygiene and smell?
As a mistress? The first for sure. Being in control is more important. Although I wish for her not to hate her feet and I hope I can convince her to - let me! - take great care of them!

22. Have you ever considered taking part in a BDSM event with several single male slaves being haunted through outdoor mud by a bunch of dominant women and then played with them in a dungeon?
No I have never but that does sound great. I would gladly participate if I can get over my shyness in going out and do kink with others.

23. Have you ever considered a vacation in a BDSM dungeon, as a slave paying for the kinky longterm treatment? Why or why not? What do you think about it now? (One question, Jaro.)
Not really in that sense but now that you mention it: it sounds great! Although I would have to get to know the dominant first to ensure that I can trust her enough.

24. Could you imagine being the slave of two lesbian mistresses? How do you imagine that? (One question.)
Yes I can. It sounds fun if they are good mistresses but I don't think many lesbians would want to. I would also be sad that I probably never get to get sexual with them. A big part of what I'd want in a real life D/s relationship is having to pleasure her and that seems out of the question in this case.

25. What do you think about 24/7/365.25 D/s relationships? Could that be something for you in the future? (One question.)
Yes it could be. I often fantasize about that. But as you could read in this blog, I am also a very private person so I'm not sure if I could actually live with my mistress. But she could still dominate me 24/7 via phone and text at the times I am not physically with her.

26. What are your actions to find a mistress in real life? How much time do you spend on looking for her? (One question.)
I haven't taken action on this yet. I don't really know how. I could visit a munch but I'm not very social and it's difficult even for me to make vanilla friends. I am hoping I can find somebody online which would develop into something offline.

27. If you found a mistress with a perfectly cared body, small beautiful feet with a lovely smell, cute body, and the right hand to treat and dominate you, how much of a burden would it be for you if she had a cock?
To be honest, I think that would still be a burden. I might consider it for online play but not offline because a cock just doesn't turn me on like that. Although I do realize there are many transgenders who look pretty darn good.

28. In one word, what is the best benefit you could give a mistress of yours in an online relationship? Which benefit if it becomes real? (One question.)
29. What three aspects of a mistress are you looking for most of all?
Difficult to name just three but I think strict, feminine and trustworthy

30. What sour food do you find most delicious?
I can't think of anything.

Have fun with your edges. Looking forward to your answers.
Since you are genderfluid and this is just so hard (no pun intended), I am going to take the liberty of treating you as male in this instance and take 30 additional edges. Hope that's okay?
But thank you or course for the most excellent questions. I did enjoy answering them very much!

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