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Old 06-06-2017, 04:26 PM   #20
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Posts: 96

Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
1. Do you expect us to let you have an orgasm so easily?
2. What you fear is the worst people could say about you?
3. What actually is the worst people can say about you if it has to be true?
4. What is the best people could say about you?
5. What is the most flattering compliment you could give to yourself if you had to?
6. If you had to be an actor in a kinky porn movie, that would be to your liking, how would it go?
7. If a mistress would force you to act in the worst humiliating porn movie in a way that would still turn you on and not break any limits you are not ready to lift somewhere in the future, how would it go?
8. Are you good in math?
9. Are you good in languages?
10. If you found the perfect mistress for you, but she had an equal male partner, would you accept her condition was he could fuck you anytime however he wanted? How would you feel about that? (Yes, this counts as one question.)
11. What would you prefer? A woman with 6 toes on each foot or one with the regular five? Would you be curious about the first woman? (Again, counts as one question.)
12. Which people did you tell about your kinks and fetishes?
13. Would you accept a play session with a mistress if she insisted you to petplay a cat? Would you like this with the option for more? (One question again.)
14. If you had to bet on the record of highest number of questions one person comes up with in one post in this thread, question that may have not been asked before, and a high punishment would be at stake for you, what number would you bet on? What would you wish to be in for you if you won this bet?
15. How does it feel to come up with such great efforts for the community like the RandomDarer and the recent Ultimate Likes and Limits Questionnaire for Subs? How do both go so far? (Making some advertisment here, but it still counts as one question.)
16. How's your total review of all your PM dare experience you had so far, setting them up, receiving, and giving?
17. What attribute, flaw or habit of yours do you fear the most being rejected for by a woman?
18. What's your favorite salad?
19. I know you wrote at least one blog entry about it, but what's your current status on your love-hate relationship with deepthroats? What's the longest dildo you have deepthroated, how far down, and for how long did you held it in the most? How thick is it, and is there any dildo thicker you already deepthroated? (One question. I am SOOOO generous. )
20. Have you ever fucked a dildo?
21. Which of these two mistresses would you prefer: one who doesn't care for her feet and beauty much, but knows how to control you, push you around and dominate you, or a shy one who takes great care about her looks, hygiene and smell?
22. Have you ever considered taking part in a BDSM event with several single male slaves being haunted through outdoor mud by a bunch of dominant women and then played with them in a dungeon?
23. Have you ever considered a vacation in a BDSM dungeon, as a slave paying for the kinky longterm treatment? Why or why not? What do you think about it now? (One question, Jaro.)
24. Could you imagine being the slave of two lesbian mistresses? How do you imagine that? (One question.)
25. What do you think about 24/7/365.25 D/s relationships? Could that be something for you in the future? (One question.)
26. What are your actions to find a mistress in real life? How much time do you spend on looking for her? (One question.)
27. If you found a mistress with a perfectly cared body, small beautiful feet with a lovely smell, cute body, and the right hand to treat and dominate you, how much of a burden would it be for you if she had a cock?
28. In one word, what is the best benefit you could give a mistress of yours in an online relationship? Which benefit if it becomes real? (One question.)
29. What three aspects of a mistress are you looking for most of all?
30. What sour food do you find most delicious?

Have fun with your edges. Looking forward to your answers.
Oh LOL thats not gone well (for him)
Quite some edges are accumulating themself (thats +60) i guess
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