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Old 05-29-2017, 11:01 AM   #17
The toe sucking anal slut
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Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
Good heavens evil woman! Grrrrr!

If you could be any age for the rest of your life, which would you choose and why?
7. I remember when I was 7. I think it was the last time I was really truely happy. Because of the sheer innocence of a child. Not having to worry about a thing. And I was in a good place then too. In later years at school I got bullied a lot

If you could be a part of any sitcom family, which would you choose and why?
I haven't seen many sitcoms. Maybe Ross from Ross and Monica. They are family, right? I do identify just a little bit with Ross.

Do you want to have kids one day?

What is your favorite kind of pie?
Apple pie. That's actually the only way I enjoy eating apples.

Who is your favorite person on getDare?
Well you of course. I learned the most from you. About myself and about my submission. And you made me want to better myself.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Ow that's difficult. There are so many places. But next on my list is probably Antarctica. Yes it's cold and I hate cold. But it's the last true wilderness on earth and it just seems breathtaking.

If you could have coffee with one person, living, dead or fictional, who would it be?
Pff.. these are such difficult what if questions. Probably the one woman I last had a major crush on. It couldn't be but I wish.

What is your idea of the most romantic date?
I have had so little dates any that goes well would already be romantic for me.

What is the best date you have been on?
Best date? I have had almost no dates honestly and the once I did have sucked.

What is your favorite type of porn?
Femdom, but only when done well because most of it sucks. Blowjobs porn almost never sucks... or... actually.... it does!

Hamburgers or hotdogs?
Hamburgers. But not that McDonald's crap!

What do you like on your pizza?
Spicy sausage and olives. Always olives!

Sweet or salty?

What is your biggest fear?

Would you ever get a piercing or tattoo? If yes, where/what?
No way. Well, I wouldn't rule out a tattoo completely, but I think I can grow old and content without one.

Do you have any scars? What are they from?
I have a little scar on my finger from a time I almost sawed it off

Have you ever had surgery?

Have you ever tied a girl up in real life?
No. I wish. Or rather I wish she'd tie me up.

If you could have an amazing singing voice or crazy talented at
drawing/painting, which would you choose?

If money was not an obstacle what would you like to do for work?
Work in some kind of nature conservation project. Preferably in Africa or South America.

If you had to choose between being blind and being deaf, which would you choose?
Deaf, no contest!

OMG +42 edges!!!!!?????

Please.... no more.... *cries*

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Princess Butterfly

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