Thread: Fiction: Just a Joke
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Old 05-16-2017, 03:02 PM   #11
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Post Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Bay wakes up, feeling well rested. Sitting up and stretching, like a cat would after a long nap. Out of the corner of her eye she catches the blink of her phone. Instinctively reaching for it. A text from Ms. Perch waiting to be opened
'Good morning! No underwear today, have a good day at work. Much love, your Mistress'. This isn't really a challenge for Bay, she has done it a dozen times, but she always gets a lot of looks when she does.

Jumping out of bed, she walks about the house. Wandering between rooms. Looking in the pantry and refrigerator, trying not to think about going to work. She doesn't really like her job as a fast food cashier. The manager says "we need pretty faces up front" but bay knows they put all the girls up front.
Pushing a bagel into the toaster. 'Some times there is a boy on register' she thinks to herself 'he is pretty dreamy'. She begins to think about the last guy that was hired.

Tall, dark, and handsome. Blonde hair, long for a guy, wavy and curled slightly at the end. Wisps of hair falling in his face, contrasting his light blue eyes. Eyes that cared about every inch of your body. The uniform given to him was the largest they had and even then it was a tight fit. His pecks defined his shirt, the rest of his shirt draping from them. A shame it wasn't a muscle shirt so it would hug every curve. The wide fit of the uniform never reveled anything good. Which Bay was sure was ever bit sculpted as the rest.
Getting in the shower. Even the pants didn't fit. Legs bulging at all the right places. Thighs and caffs like they were going to rip the seam at anytime. This did wonders for his butt, fabric flowing over each butt cheek. The seam that decided the right and left side dipped slightly but enough, to really show off his butt. All the girls that worked with him were conspiring against each other get obtain his attention to themselves.

Bay's hands wonder body, resting on breasts as she imagines what he would do to her. If she gave him one night to have his way with her. He looked like a guy that would dominate a girl correctly. Not losing control of his grace or let testosterone take over.
Knock knock knock! "Bay!" She felt like someone grabbed her and shook her awake, bracing herself against the wall.
"Your gonna be late!" Cameron shouted at her again.
The voice keeps her in this reality. Looking down to find her shampoo bottle in hand being pressed between her legs. Crushing her own fantasy 'they never last long at work. I guess beautiful people aren't meant for fast food work.' The boy quit a few days after starting.
"Be right out!" She replies back to her brother. Not knowing if he was still there.

Back in her room she starts to get dressed. Her work shirt is scratchy, and with out a bra or under shirt, this keeps her nipples pretty sensitive. Knowing well enough that her mistress counts anything wore under the visible clothing as "underwear". The pants are aren't much better. They hang from her hips and the crotch was made a bit short, causing the seam to press between her legs.

Getting to work Bay felt chilly without the added layers under her uniform. The A/C is going all day so it feels nice to the customers. She can feel her nipples pressing against the fabric which provided even more stimulation. If it wasn't for her erect nipples no one could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. Her breasts about medium sized. Big enough that wearing medium tops fits but her preferred it a large so it isn't constricting at all. Her are nipples usually are flush under the weight of most shirts. Although being aroused they can stand out noticeably.

Taking her register she gets her first customer. An older man, who doesn't for a second miss the show Bay is putting on. He stumbles through his order lingering in front of her as long as he can. Dragging out he step that requires action on his part.
"Have a nice day sir" Bay saying with trained enthusiasm and a smile.
"I am young lady!" returning the smile but doesn't look up from staring at Bay's chest.
The man grabs a seat off to the side of Bay. Giving him the best view for looking at her while he is eating.
"Another perv Bay?" Jessica asks.
Bay turns her head to respond "Yes, but its fine."
"If you say so." Walking away before she finished talking.

"Welcome, what can I get you?" smiling as she speaks.
Another man, to busy staring at the menu to notice anything else. "Uh, yeah, I'll get a number 3."
"Medium or large?"
"Large" still staring at the menu like it will change if he looks away.
"$7.52 is your total."
The man pulls out $10 from his pocket, handing it to Bay. "Whoa..." Finally noticing Bay's semi-erect nipples.
A smile shoots across Bay's face "Here is your change, have a nice day." Enjoys the reaction from the man. When someone finally notices and is stunned out of there mind. Only tolerating the perverted men who just stare.

"Bay!" Jessica calls.
Without thinking Bay turns her whole body, replying to her manager. "Yeah?"
"Can you...Um." Trying to find the words. "I know why that old guy was staring. I will get you a jacket."
'No, I'm ok.' Bay wanted to reply but she couldn't. This has happened once before and Bay couldn't think of a reason why she didn't want to wear the jacket.
"Here, it's a medium" Jessica arm extended with jacket in hand.
"Thanks." Taking the jacket, knowing she can't put it because of the 'no underwear' command from her mistress. "Can you cover my register. I need to use the restroom.'
"Ok, be quick."

Marching straight to the restroom and occupying the large handicap stall. Whipping her work shirt off over her head. Now topless in the stall. The cold air touching her bare skin, becoming very aware of her exposed breasts. Slipping into the jacket and zipping it up all the way. The fabric lining the jacket is soft. It is also thick enough so if she does get aroused it should go mostly unnoticed. Limited by her movement, every time she shifts around, like to lift her arm up the zipper slips down slightly. Testing it out a few times to see how careful she needs to be. Leaving the restroom goes to her locker to store her shirt before returning to her register. Feeling safe that all her job requires her to do is move her hands around a touch screen.

Lunch time arrives and an endless stream of people are entering and exiting the building. All three registers are open, each an orchestra of noises. The beep and key presses, clanking as the draws open and a click when it closes. Stoves and fryers sizzling as the frozen product hits the heat. Everyone is focusing on what they need to be doing. Bay, only slightly distracted, stopping every so often to fix the position of the zipper. Which has fallen from her breast pushing against the jacket. Like they are trying to jump out of it. She managed the whole rush hour without the fear of exposing herself. The rush of people stops and as Bat finishes up the line of customers the habit of zipping up the jacket was just like breathing.

Everyone started entering a zombie mood. Performing only the essential tasks and being dully alert. The door entry tone goes off and Bay snaps out of it. Looking at the door she sees it's just the delivery man. They make eye contact, he drops the package by the door and heads back out to his truck. Which is the typical routine for deliveries which was set in place in the instances that everyone is busy. Thankful for something to do, even if it is just taking the delivery to the back room.
Bay squats down and leans over the box, trying to get a good grip. The long rectangle shape makes it awkward to pick. She tilts it on its side and with one motion, swoops it off the ground. The corner of the box catching her zipper and sliding it all the way down past her breast. She feel a cool breeze sneaking its way into her jacket and stinging her skin. Hugging the box tighter to keep it from slipping and more so, flashing her coworkers. Struggling a bit she attracts the attention of Jasmine her co-worker.
"Here let me help you with that" Jasmine says.
"Thanks..." Bay replied politely.

Bay and Jasmine get closer to the back. Bay knows she has to find an excuse to continue on by herself. As the moments pass she becomes more scattered. Making it hard to think of a reason, the unavoidable scenario she always thought could never happen is becoming to real.

A voice startles Bay but not enough to break her free from her impending indecency thoughts.
"Hello? Bay..." Jasmine says raising her voice.
"What? Yeah. Sorry. I was just in my head." Bay hastily spoke.
"Okay... Well can we put the box down now?" As she started to lower the box.
Bay moves with her. Trying to hide herself by squatting keeping the box close to her chest. She looks ridiculous, any normal person would have just lowered their arms and placed it on the table. Once it was on the table she had no choice but to continue all the way to the floor. She didn't realize the nervousness of her legs and they gave out. Dropping herself on the floor and her breasts broke free. She quickly fumbled around the zipper but it wouldn't have been quick enough. Jasmine had already leaped to her "falling" co-worker's aid only to catch the sight Bay's breasts hanging out of the jacket. Both became silent and after only seconds passing Jasmine grabbed the bottom of the jacket and pulled it away from Bay. Allowing her breast to slip back into cover. Then grabbed the zipper and zipped it all the way up. Neither spoke a word.


A voice from behind Bay calls her name "Bay!"
"Yes?" She replies still on edge from being exposed just hours before. All she wanted to do was get home.
"You can't take that jacket. If I remember correctly, it was only lent to you." Her strict 'no rule bending' manager, Jessica, and her snappy voice split the air.
Bay was speechless, like she had been most often lately. She opened her mouth to say whatever came out but before she could Jasmine chimes in. "That's actually my jacket" she lied. " The zipper on the one she had was being... funny" she smirked and looked at Bay. "We put the other one back in The Jacket Box."
"Ok, that's good." Jessica says.
After that Jasmine scoots Bay out the door before their manager could say anything else. By coincidence Jasmine's car is right next to where bay parked her's.
Before entered her car Jasmine says " You owe me. You know that right?"
Bay looked at Jasmine and nods her head "Thank..."
"No, thank you." Jasmine's face twists and the smirk she gave her inside was back again.
Bay feels a bit worried but also a little thrill to have this memory of something she never thought happened.
PM Tasks

Photography, Body Writing/Art, Clothing Control, Edging, Denial, Diapers (wearing & wetting)
Pee Holding, Butt Plugs, Semi-Public, Nudity, Bondage, Ice, mild spankings

Permanent, Most Pain, Social Suicide, Family, Illegal, Body Waste, curse words

Likes & Limits explained
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