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Old 05-16-2017, 08:49 AM   #12
A Butterfly Princess <3
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Originally Posted by asslvr View Post
Hi sweetie ♡

Some questions for you...

1. How many spanking are you hoping to get from your ama?I am actually hoping to get less spankings and more of the creative tasks/rules. I put this option more as an easy option for people to choose who didn't want to be creative.

2. How many drinks did you have at the wedding?
Umm .... I had a drink before we went into the reception,
and then I had a glass of alcoholic punch with dinner, and a little glass of that fruity wine, and then 8 butterfly kisses! So ... a lot! Ooops

3. Who was drunkest at the wedding?
Out of you and me? or all the people? I think the answer better when I include all the people so I will say my brother was definitely more drunk.

4. Which pasta cat is your favorite?
Spaghetti because she is the cutest and she is so sweet and cuddly and she chases after her mouse. But she also sticks her butt in my face ..... so actually I am going to choose Fettucine because she likes to be held like a baby and she shares snacks with me and has the cutest little squak and has big feet. But she also tries to steal my pizza and scratches the couch .... I think we need a new better kitty. I am going to name her Rotini!

5. Why is fettuccine so hungry?
Because you took away the food with the flavor nuggets.

6. Why do you always want me to wear panties?
Because it makes your minion get hard and also because they are sexy on your cute little bum.

7. Can I have some back scratchies?
No! It is my turn. Always.

8. What food do you like more than nachos?
Chocolate. I think it is pretty much eat ... maybe pizza,
but it has to be good pizza. Like Ontario pizza.

9. What do you want for our first anniversary present?
Well a one year anniversary is supposed to be something that is paper. So I think you can get me the adoption papers of a brand new PUPPY!!!!!!!!!

10. Who's the best husband ever???
Hmm ... this one is extra hard. I don't know if you are the best yet since it has only been one week. I think I will need to keep testing you before I can decide.
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My heart belongs to my Husband: Mr. Devious
Being tortured frequently by my Dom SleepySloth
Served by my loyal worm Jaro
Caring for my little TheBrat

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