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Old 04-23-2017, 08:18 AM   #68
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Slave school
Posts: 66
Blog Entries: 42
Default Becoming slave A and losing control of my useless little genitals XXXVII - 1

Dear all,

It has been quite a long time since my last update and Sir was kind enough to understand all the work obligations I had in the recent days. So there is not much to write apart from one very amazing thing - meeting Sir again. So this will be the focus of today’s update as it was also the focus of all my activities in recent days, weeks and months.

Yes, months have passed since Sir sent me to slave school and the need to meet him has been growing and growing ever since we parted in January. There were ups and downs, challenges to be met, lessons to be learned but what I knew from the moment I returned home from our last real life meeting is that I simply need to feel, smell, taste, touch, please, obey and worship him again. And this need is growing daily even now.

Every morning I take a black marker and write a new number, counting down the days to our next meeting. It was number 4 today. Four long but also sweet days,

I have butterflies in my belly. There is a feeling of slight nervousness - will I do good? Will I be able to please him? Will I make him smile? Will I be able to prove in action what I have learned so far in slave school? Will I make him spunk?

I will do my absolute best. I will be his boy, his girl, his slave, his pet, his slut, his kinky source of pleasure, his toy to play with. Whatever Sir likes and chooses. Everything to bring HIM pleasure, to show him how much he means to me and what he has brought me in the past few months. And this is not just “it” talking, not just my useless little genitals anticipating both pain and pleasure - they will have to wait. Sir first. Always.

I am already trying to plan. Plan having in mind that the best thing I can do is just let myself go, forget about my puny pleasure, my immediate wishes and my animal instincts. I trust him enough to know I will be safe, I will be taken care of and my limits will be respected. I know the best thing to do is simply obey - Yes Sir, thank you Sir. This will bring him pleasure, this will hopefully make him smile and this will perhaps brings me the ultimate reward. And no matter how unbelievable this sounds, dear readers, it is not my orgasm, it is first two powerful words “good boy” and perhaps, only then a chance for me to cross the edge and climax. But really only when Sir is pleased, satisfied, happy. It is all I was thinking about in the recent days. Of course there were also naughty, dirty, kinky thoughts, there were moments where I could only think of his cock penetrating my wet, itching pussy, him edging me, tying me up, spanking me, using me, but the wish to please him always came first.

It is such an amazing dynamic - to know my pleasure can only be reached through Sir getting his pleasure first.

I can not hide the fact that I am also getting a little shaky and sweaty, my mind sometimes almost reaching overdrive, so today I will just try to relax after a very long week and mentally prepare for our meeting. Go through things I have learned and experienced so far. This will help me calm down and will also help me perform better, I hope. If you have any additional advice, as always, comments are more then welcome.

So excited, so happy.

My heart is racing again and these words can never express my current feelings. Some of them are reserved only for Sir, as he reads a very special daily diary. He gets to know my dreams (yes, I do dream about him. I dream about being even more submissive and controlled), my naughty wishes, my fears and dilemmas. It is I think how we managed to reach another meeting - being open and honest, even when the sky was grey. Trust. Trust. Trust.

Four days dear readers - I doubt I will be able to write more before or during the meeting. I want to focus all my energy on Sir and days we will spend together. He is my Captain, my Master, my Sir.

I hope I will not get too emotional and just burst into tears when we meet, but even if I do Sir will know it is because of him, because I can see my Gem again.

Yes, dear readers, a few more days and I will be in his hands, controlled, used, pushed, fighting for his pleasure. But also begging to fuck me, to please give me the fucks I earned in slave school. Please, Sir.

Wish me luck, wish us luck.

Thank you for reading.

boy A
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