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Old 04-27-2010, 03:09 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Canada
Posts: 4,466

I personally like the short, uninformative ads. They can be really helpful to know who NOT to contact

In the last 3 years we have tried many different ways to help improve the quality of postings in this section. There are about a dozen of threads on how to post a great ad, we used the rating system, replied to ask questions and give tips to those who we thought needed it. Nothing really worked except the ratings a bit. While raising the minimum requirement of words of characters in posts may seem like an interesting solution it has it's down side too. I like it if someone gives great informations & details not because they are forced to but because they are genuine and serious. It does tell me a lot about how really interested they are.

I really do prefer rewarding those who do put an effort in their posts. I've seen a few members reply to them to give positive feedback which is great and I think we perhaps should try to use the rating system more again

Just let be those who can't or won't put more efforts in their posts. Those posts usually fall down the pages rather quickly and if we post back to the good ones and use the rating system maybe a few of them will realize what they're not doing right and try to improve.
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