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Old 02-08-2017, 07:54 AM   #68
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Sport Raquet My standing test and intent

I'm not sure if this is out of line since I did not do more. I hope that this will encourage others to try a test like this, gain some confidence, and make their "I Did More" stand.

Before I did the real deal I did a stint without an alarm. I just noted the time on the clock and figured I would wait it out and see the time when it felt like a half hour. I would then have a better expectation of the full time in the corner.
At the start I just felt committed to the test. I imagined what if's such as what if I wait for what seems like a half hour and it really only 5 or 10? The full time would be really rough. What if it was the other way and the real time turns out is over the target? I'd be done.
I suppose around the middle time I thought about if I should use something like the white noise that someone else used? It occured to me that that would mask out some audio distractions. But that would allow my brain to concentrate. Would it be better to have a bunch of distractions so I could not count out the time. I could make a bunch of short distracting messages in a folder with a bunch of silent passages. The scramble the playlist and play it. It could be random numbers or words or even music.
Toward the end I thought about if I really ought to take the time to make up those files. I decided that it would be taking way too much work. Then I just spaced out a bit. I might have dosed off I am not sure. If one does dose off I think he/she ought to be disqualified.
After I felt that it was 30 minutes I stopped and checked. It was 22 minutes. Not bad. The long run would not be easy but it ought not be all that hard either.
I am not sure just when I will actually give the real corner time a go. It has already bumped 15 minutes since a began thinking of this seriously. I will post my plan the day before, or early that morn if it will be done of an evening (most likely). The corner master is free to be thinking about me. But it may not be as enjoyable as when the women have given notice.
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